
Sounds like what you are saying is that Affirmative Action is about protecting Whites’ position in society with only token lip service paid to supporting minorities. If that’s true, it does not surprise me at all.

I wonder if Anita has ever seen 'Game of Thrones' or the WWE.

That would mean the end of White culture itself. Whiteness only exists in opposition to Non-whiteness. Hence the (not yet recognised as) racist term 'POC'.

So basically bored 13 year olds have your over militarised police force at their beck and call.

<start rant>

Always amusing how Americans will vilify foreigners for cultural practices they themselves propagated. The Japanese, in copying this shameful piece of American culture cannot be even a fraction as racist as those who invented it in the first place.

You laugh because you don't have penises. Therefore you cannot empathize. It's funny in the same way Ethiopian jokes are funny. Or not funny rather. For shame.

So when did the Stormfront people become Jezebel fans? Poor Americans confused about Race theory again. Is he white? Is he latino? Just what does it all mean? What was the exact racial makeup of his girlfriend and what can we surmise from that? We don't know how to understand this story if we don't know the

Tell them it's a nineteenth century pseudoscience that only persists because 'whites' just love the position it puts them in. Anything else is disingenuous. Those advocating for Race Theory (almost everyone in 'modern' America) should stop insulting our collective intelligence by even pretending they have good

Calling chimpanzees 'monkeys' is a slur. Kramer deserved it.

Games auto-save far too much imo. I first noticed it in the original Halo. Saved whenever you entered a room and upon clearing a room. As an experiment, I tried playing the game without even bothering to fight. Just ran from save point to save point. Turned out this was the most efficient way to play.

The moral of this story is you're lame. Your kids are lame. Your parents are lame. Everybody that has ever been and everybody that ever will be is lame.

We Australians are tired of the censorship, either direct or indirect. Those of us in the in gaming subset of the culture are tired of being treated like, and thought of as, children. A prime minister even said, in parliament, with a straight face, 'video games are for children therefore there is no need for an 'R'

White people are like this. Black people are like that. It's funny because it's true.

Feminists attack gamers. Mainstream culture, surprisingly because mainstream culture doesn't usually support feminists, and unsurprisingly because mainstream culture loves to attack gamers themselves, is right there with them. Feminists get all excited. Feminists attack a scientist. Mainstream culture doesn't want

You should probably discuss free will and determinism on a forum which isn't related to rape. Besides, if you accept that peoples' behaviour is not subject to free will then you must accept that the reactions of those vilifying are not subject to free will either. It all becomes academic in real life situations.

Unfortunately, by making pains to point out that other cultures can be racist sometimes when they import concepts that originate and propagate from America (including and especially the concept of Race itself) you are making excuses, or at least trying to minimise America's impact on Race culture. I don't know where

People have this all backwards. It is in fact racist to insist that emoji reflect Race theory. Poor Americans. You just keep on digging yourselves into that hole. Why does a world without Race disturb you so much?

Now I could be mistaken but are there not already women in prison for miscarriages (now I'd be completely making things up if I guessed at a charge but say.....something 'manslaughtery'). Executions for abortions doesn't seem too far off.

Sure, it's xenophobic. And even technically impossible since, by the one drop rule, everybody is a POC. But that's not going to stop them. You see, race theory is a poorly disguised caste system and it suits the high caste to keep it alive.