
Well yes, they pretty much are. There are only two groups. People, and People of Colour (read outcast).

Middle Eastern people actually are white as it stands now and Hispanics don't have a 'race' at all (due to change in the next census cos obviously what America needs to do to solve the 'race' problem is to invent even more 'races'). And yes, when 'whites' start to feel outnumbered their usual response is to bring new

White people will never be in the minority. Instead what will happen is that Hispanics will be brought into whiteness, maintaining a comfortable 'white' majority with which to oppress everybody else. Consider the Irish and Italians. This is how the race system works.

Wrestling is silly.

Congratulations on using the word 'literally' correctly! This is for you!!

There's a trick. You go to the extreme left of the screen, crouch down and continuously tap the attack button. It's cheating but I don't mind admitting that I did it that way. The rest of the game was so hard and there was no way I was going to risk failing and having to fight through that final dungeon again.

Or, more likely, its both. America's tradition in eugenics cannot be denied. Neither can the eugenics movement's influence on Hitler be denied.

Any German being hassled by Americans over the Nazi thing can just point out that without American eugenics, the Nazis would never have happened.

The original Halo was the point where games became too easy. Save scumming became the default. Halo would auto save your game whenever you entered a new area, and whenever you cleared an area of enemies. Auto saves were so frequent that the most efficient way to play the game was not to bother with combat at all.

Extremely good point. If dog 'lovers' can produce an animal so inbred that its penis drags along the ground they call it a success. Its eugenics and not even the well intentioned kind. Strange way to show their love for the species.

Men are like this. Women are like that.

Back in the day, my parents were worried because I was super into Dungeons & Dragons. Some things don't change.

You can't even get straight exactly what racial categories there are. This latest chart has six rather than five. Equates native North Americans with East Asians. Lists Middle Easterners with North Africans. Didn't an earlier chart suggest Arabs were actually White people? Your charts and theories are confusing,

Nope. Not since 'time out of mind'. Since the North American slave trade. As for the rest, nope, nope, nope, nope.

Your charts are the product of the very stereotypes they perpetuate. 'Race' cannot be scientifically defined and therefore 'facts' about 'race' cannot be scientifically studied or verified. Not interested in pseudo scientific gibberish. Your buddies over at Stormfront will explain it to you.

Anybody can understand English as long as you speak it slllooooowwwllyyy and LOUDLY enough.

Yes, all other countries are more racist cos they're not as sensitive about slavery/racism/race theory as the country that actually had/has the slavery/racism/race theory.

Clever loaded question!! But not clever enough to trap me! Loveless MRAs like to point out how unfair it is that all women have to do to get laid is open their legs. Feminists, at least around here, like to insist that isn't true. They would know, wouldn't they?

Oh I forgot. If you play that fricken 'I win' Ragnaros card at any time. You're a fricken cheat!