I don't understand how he got five innervates.
I don't understand how he got five innervates.
Hearthstone is annoying the crap out of me lately. They're all cheaters. You have more than one legendary? Cheat! You use 'Unleash the Hounds' to reverse a situation in which I'm clearly winning? Cheat! You sit there humming and hahing wasting my friggin time when I've got nothing to do but wait for a humiliating…
OMG!!!! 'Any woman who is willing can get laid'!!! Vanessa is an MRA! Louie needs to dump her IMMEDIATELY!!!!!
In medieval times the jester was the only person allowed to insult the king. Somebody's gotta do it.
So why would 'they' hate cats so much 'they' feel the need to distort science and spread disinformation?
You're lucky you have a wallet. Ancient Romans carried their stuff in their slave's mouths.
Black Tiger, the classic eighties arcade game. As played by yours truly.
Actually I don't appreciate at all why its desirable to maintain the purity of distinct breeds. Seems like a kind of madness to me.
No slavery was not caused by racism. Race theory was caused by slavery. If there were going to be slaves in a modern, intellectually enlightened civilisation they needed a justification. Northern America is ground zero for racism. And Race theory is their greatest export.
Americans stereotypically have no sense of irony. All comedy must be explicitly broadcast as comedy in order to be understood as comedy.
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass has you literally blowing on the screen to extinguish candles and shouting at your console in order to stun certain enemies. Awkward.
Yaayyyy... a hyperlink battle!!
My rule is I'm allowed to look at up the solution for one problem only, and then I must restart the game. Its a compromise between being potentially stumped and cheating my way through.
While he was alive he was criticised for the disrespect he showed towards the animals. You're not supposed to wrestle with wild animals in the name of entertainment. Disrespectful and dangerous. It was the end of him.
Asking celebrities about their love lives is standard.
Chat filters a are pet peeve of mine.
Well, Americans invented race theory itself. They show no inclination to giving it up either. America is the global centre of racism. Other peoples can be racist to the extent that they've been Americanised. Also eugenics. So quit whining that you're being unfairly judged and do something about the culture you've…
Whenever I go elsewhere to find outside impressions of this site (from other fem sites, not MRAs) it seems Jezebel is not a feminist site at all. Its the mean girls clique rolling their eyes at anybody not female, middle class, and white. People say the Kotaku commentariat is at odds with their writers. They got…
Here's a novel idea. Make sure the damn thing isn't broken before you send it to market. Have some respect for your customers. We don't get paid to playtest for you.