
Actually, I think the reason all the males in games look that way is because their audience is secretly gay.

You have no idea what women think.

Online shooters seem to be mainly populated by obnoxious dudebros anyway. I heard somewhere that they even do their focus testing at college fraternities. Given the xenophobic overtones of the genre at large, it shouldn't be surprising they attract some horrible people.

Only there's some accents (at least in Australia) that uptalk every sentence. Then it doesn't indicate anything.

Wow. First vamps now dinos. There needs to be some psychoanalysis done here.

That actually sounds like an awesome job.

I truthfully have no idea what your talking about. Here in Australia we have a few history theme park type things. People dress up in costume and pretend its a couple of centuries ago. Its pretty silly. Doubly so if you take it seriously.

That was a fake-fake apology. By going out of her way to point out how awesome and hard done by vets are she effectively apologised while keeping her cool points for not apologising.

What I don't get is why silly people aren't expected to turn up at silly institutions like 'historical' re-enactment villages.

Everyone misses the point. The mirror test is a test for self-awareness and this shows that cats and dogs, while subjectively cute, are objectively stupid. You can stop worshipping them now. You've been made a fool of.

I don't drink but, if its any consolation, I get really annoyed when people get hammered around me. Not making any moral judgements. Drunk people annoy me, that's all.

I'd like to apologise for anything anybody has ever done to anybody else ever.

Not like that! You're doing it all wrong!

Sure, but it belongs in a museum!!

No. It means autistic people can't understand emoji. And its an absolute crock of shit.

Over the years I've learnt that its best to laugh at them rather than get angry. Sometimes its easier said than done.

Its true, we don't. Census records ancestry but not race and its been that way since the seventies. On the other hand you guys love race so much you hang on to this primitive superstition like grim death. When people find it difficult to find themselves in your ridiculous categories( Hispanics don't have a race yet

White people are like this. Black people are like that.

I'm not about to scour through her videos looking for it. But a little googling produced this.

Is that the woman who said domestic violence was good because of post-violence cuddling?