I'm racking my brains trying to think of a hat as cool as the fedora but not quite so politically incorrect.
I'm racking my brains trying to think of a hat as cool as the fedora but not quite so politically incorrect.
Is the fedora going the way of the Hitler moustache?
I used to be an avid reader and then somehow lost my attention span. Now I play games. So....
Megyn Kelly is a comic genius. Best trolling I've seen in years. I, for one, found it utterly hilarious. I can only hope she keeps up the good work.
The best way to view twilight:
Well yes, because there's no difference between Asian genes and any other genes. Therefore, if this comic represents some kind of truth and isn't totally a matter of perspective, there must be some other reason for it. Personally, I'd say its dumb. But that might be why its funny/not funny. I think I'm all…
Recommending because I so rarely see anybody say anything nice about Final Fantasy XIII.
"If you want to mix words about it, the real "racism" was from the north against the south in general."
If you're not in the United States you can watch it here:
I'm certain this article would be laughed down at Gawker and represent all that's wrong with the world at Jezebel. Personally, I find it hard to take psychology seriously at the best of times. Here it seems somebody's just making it up as they go along.
I'm confused. Am I supposed to take this seriously? How do you measure units of grit?
Thanks for this, I'm Australian and need this too. You should make a point of doing this for all the daily show/colbert report articles here.
Did Mark have anything to say on the subject apart from the somewhat oblique reference to turning all the games off?
He totally looks like he's about to burst into tears at some points.
I'm sorry Americans, but your phrase 'could care less' literally means the opposite of what you intend it to mean. The correct phrase is 'couldn't care less'. Please stop.
White folks are like this. Black folks are like that. Its funny because its true.
When people finally stop arguing about just what is and what isn't politically correct they might be able to start getting things done.