
Even that video was far too long.

Of the decade. Everybody should be required to play this game by law.

There was a time when tea bagging was not immature and stupid?

It is of primary importance that Justice be seen to be done. Whether or not its actually just, not so much.

Now playing

This is great. I loved final fantasy x-2. Even Yuna the dancing queen.

So I watched The Conjuring the other night (its based on a true story you know). Just wondering, how many people believe that the people killed at Salem were actual witches?

This is pretty catchy.

Its hurting my eyes. Hope I don't have nightmares.

Yes, we know its fake. We're not irretrievably stupid. Pointing that out is ruining the fun.

Yes, I get an eighties liberal racism vibe from them. The myth of over populated Africa (for god's sake get those people some birth control!!).

'People accept the reality of the world with which they are presented'

This is the genius plan of Rocksteady to solve racism, sexism and ageism by having players walk in the others shoes for awhile.

ETA: Cats are like this. Dogs are like that. Its funny cos its true (or isn't).

You see, that's why its funny. Comedy subverts social norms. Normally, women have to beg for what they want. But here its the guy begging. Hilarious!!! See also: black guy president (sadly not as funny as it used to be).

Thanks for reminding me of that. Maybe they really are that stupid.

Knitting? I think the joke might be on those who took the thing seriously (or is the joke on me for thinking that anybody could possibly take it seriously?).

part African

You want Race but you don't want Racism. Good luck with that. Refusal to erase is racist.

I can remember as a small child, here in Australia, seeing black and white minstrels on television. I thought they were clowns. I had no idea they were supposed to represent black people.

Well, I have to say I find that hard to believe, considering that the culture of regular scheduled television being viewed and discussed with family and peers that I grew up with has all but disappeared (good riddance), and most television networks are in trouble (in my country at least, the exception is the