
Just saying if its a problem, it was a problem a long time ago. And, that you should take heart, because they're unlikely to be anywhere near as addicted to television as we were.

It was once believed that television would destroy society because it discouraged people from discussion and activity. It is now believed the internet will destroy society because it is dragging us away from our televisions.

No, this is not a problem with the kids. Kids today do not watch tv in the ritualised fashion of those last century. I, for one, am so glad of that. Also, whenever I hear some old person regurgitating the same bullshit I heard from adults when I was a kid (the one where the ageing hippies complain about promiscuity

The Bond film is more offensive because that get up couldn't possibly fool anybody.

The Bond film is more offensive because that get up couldn't possibly fool anybody.

In the United States, their entire society is stratified by 'race'. People are assigned a 'race' at birth. If they want to go to school, get a job, apply for a loan or anything even vaguely official they must state their 'race'. 'Race' colours everything they do every day. They don't understand how arbitrary their

None of you people know the first thing about racism. You're too quick to diagnose it. For fuck's sake, we need some way to tell the difference between Hitler and Oriental flavour noodles.

So then who are they designed for? There must be a reason most video game protagonists are white, muscle bound and of very little brain. Is it a sexual fetish? Are most video gamers closet homosexuals?

Americans think we're terribly racist. Australians are not sensitive enough to blackface (an American custom). A guy at a party dresses up like a KKK member (a group originating from America) etc etc. In fact, seems as if the best way to be an insensitive racist arsehole is pretend to be American.

Oh I know they're not so bad they deserve to die. Maybe a good spanking will suffice.

Boomers are the most selfish, entitled generation the world has ever seen. That doesn't stop them from constantly whining about how its everybody else that's the problem. I'm sure they really don't care what I think. They're too busy smelling their own farts.

Be horrible. You couldn't be any where near as horrible as the generation you're being horrible to was/is.

Here's one:

So you did. I'm sorry. I'll show myself out.

2,405,518,376 people online. Those twenty thousand were 0.0008% of the internet population. Its an inability to grasp large numbers that is at the root of most hysteria.

If they have not approached an actual child, they've committed no actual crime. I really don't understand how the people caught by shows like 'to catch a predator' can be charged.

Screeching and feedback. I like the sound of that. Going to check it out.

True. And also, none of those other things (white, black, blah blah blah) are actually 'races'. 'Races' do not exist outside of some fucked up caste system western people should know better than to support.

For fuck's sake, we don't even call them shrimp here.

It's the White Australia policy. We'll never live it down. Even though it ended before most of our families even came to this country.