The choice was between a woman who once said “superpredator” but also helped millions of poor women and children, many of whom are POC and a man who doubled down on calling for the execution of 5 innocent African American teenagers.
The choice was between a woman who once said “superpredator” but also helped millions of poor women and children, many of whom are POC and a man who doubled down on calling for the execution of 5 innocent African American teenagers.
dead to me: anyfamily member who voted for him. take your christmas and shove it up your ass. legos dont make up for what you did to your grandson.
Fuck that.
This is a fascinating development to me. I feel like I grew up roughly in parallel with consumer electronics. When I was like five or six, we used a DOS computer. By the time I was 10, we were up to Windows 95. XP landed around high school. Windows 7 just after college. Now that I’ve got a solid start on my career,…
This right here. When I started using a computer (IBM clone) I had to learn mother-effing DOS commands. Do not ever try to tell me that today’s kids are more computer-savvy cause they grew up with them.
Yes! I try to teach basic programming and command line operations to new graduate students in my university department (necessary to do research in geophysics), and I have to spend the first couple of weeks describing directory structures even before we cover any of the actual material! They have no idea where their…
I’m a graduate student in life sciences....the undergrad courses I TA are typically pre-med stream. I don’t think these particular individuals are going to end up getting into med school but when I’ve given simple instructions like ‘upload the file to [repository]’ a surprising number really struggle. I’m supposed to…
An unfortunate part of my job involves hiring people, mostly young people. I am seeing a whole new wave of computer ignorance displayed by people who have been interacting with the internet primarily with phones and tablets for most of their lives. We have hired several people in the last year or two that were totally…
He’ll still be able to fail upward. There’s good money to be made by spouting crazy. His bonafides are, if he wasn’t so important, then why did the Clinton conspirators have him fired?
This idiotic dipshit epitome of privilege was just weeks away from a White House gig that would have probably set him up for life (not that he isn’t already set up for life), and the only thing that stopped him was stepping on his own dick on Twitter.
If nobody gets 270, the House picks the President from the top 2 choices. They’ll pick Trump. So any EC vote other than Clinton is a vote for Trump.
Our Founders would have been horrified by today’s hyper-partisan environment, but they wrote the Constitution in a way that envisioned two major parties, and most of our Founders were members of one of two parties. The Founders wrote the Constitution so that the presidency goes to the candidate with a majority of the…
No. Washington was adamantly against the formation of political parties. That’s what his speech warned against as he left the Presidency. Most other Founding Fathers were part of their implementation. Even James Madison, who once spoke against them, was highly involved in the development of the Democratic-Republicans…
It’s the system, but it’s not what people think the system is. This is in fact the moment for which the electoral college was designed - a group of wise men will see that the great unwashed were taken in by an unfit demagogue, and make a different choice. It’s a grim historical irony that we’re in this moment because…
>Do you really think it’s good precedent for the electoral college to decide they know better than the electorate
Bwahaha. The electoral college is an affront to democracy, but instead of addressing that you’re begging everyone to stop wishing for it to do the exact thing it was put in place for: obstruct the democratic process to head off a bad leader taking power.
That the electoral college follows the letter of the law they were created under, not the spirit, enraging the GOP so much they consider geting rid of then shit themselves when they realize doing so means coastal and city votes would actually be counted equally against rural votes, and they can’t have that, can they?
Literally what’s the point of the electoral college then
Do you really think it’s good precedent for the electoral college