
Oh, I didn't really think of it as one, either. Just Brady gets lumped in with the known, obvious guys all the time, and it's like "Hey, Davey Johnson had one freak home run year, too, and he doesn't look like he's ever lifted a weight heavier than a cold Coors 16-ouncer!" One freak season is more statistically

Indeed, they're both assholes but only one was a trained professional failing at his job.

Dudebro is an idiot. But cops are trained to de-escalate situations. This cop did the exact opposite, and thus is very much the one in the wrong.

Not real, but still my favorite:

They probably didn't reload because it was almost immediately known they had hit an airliner.
I'd suspect the mindset would quickly change from trying to enforce sovereignty over their airspace to covering up the mess and seeing how they could displace the blame. By removing the missile system and picking the scene

Thank you, I have been saying it for the past few years...also please note the honda CRV and the nissan versa note...

Now playing

Remember, when it comes to forklifts. Safety first.

I want to buy this, pull up next to a Viper owner, and be like


and the exhaust is going bappetybappety-bappetybappety and all those little internal bits are going whumpawhumpawhumpa-whump

Story 1:

I'm not a big Mazda guy, like, at all, but the RX-8 has to be one of the most flubbed cult-classic relaunches in history. It had everything going for it, at least on paper - a revamped rotary powerplant, super cool flush rear passenger doors, decent looks, and it was called RX-8.

Oh, I'm definitely a Panamera fan, and would likely be an owner if I had the means. But I don't think it's a pretty car

The Panamera is a brutally fast, large GT. But it's ugly as sin. If Porsche made it in a shortened 2-door version and slapped "928" on the rump it would be a kick ass total package.

no love for Polo Green Metallic?

It suggests something about the bestial nature of mankind. That he is both God and animal. He is the highest of all organic beings, the lowest of all spiritual beings and a resolution of these two opposites, driven by the primal desires for lust and reproduction. My work is more suggestive than explicit. I'm not some

this is an excellent question. The bottom section was a reflector, which for some reason they felt merited its own section. Later they just shined the taillight bulb through the reflector.