
Not a Beetle geek. Never even owned a single VW (when it comes to German, I want BMW), but I enjoyed reading this anyway.

Pictured deleting selfies and in car video of hoonage.

"Once, in the middle of Kansas, we used the car to pull down an abandoned, decrepit barn."

I need coveralls made from this material immediately. I work in the oilfield and, in compliance with OSHA, have to wear full body FRC clothing in the heat and humidity of the blistering summers where I live. These FRC's we're forced to wear, with the sleeves down and zipped up to the neck, only protect from a sudden

I agree. A Pit is just as likely to attack a person as any other dog. The problem is, they are much better at attacking.

Now playing

Damn... you know how hard it is to drive one of those?

Right now I'm on a hollowbody kick, so I prefer an ES175-themed guitar :)

LOL. I have a MexiStrat in the collection, but it's been modded with new pups and locking tuners. All told I'm into it for $400 and it's a really good player now for a lot less than a US Fender.

i'd rather have this

I'd bet this will appeal more to collectors than players. For that kinda dough - not that I'd ever spend it on a guitar - I'd rather have any one of several Les Paul signature models or a '59 reissue. Pretty much anything from the Gibson or Fender custom shops.

I'm a guitarist, too, and while I'm not opposed on principle to spending close to 7 large on one, it had damned well be a very good tool for making music. This thing looks virtually unplayable due to those aluminum inserts and not having some kind of surface on which to rest your hand. Not that it matters, I guess,

"suck squeeze bang blow" has been applied to combustion engines for a long time. we don't need a comedian to tell us that. also, while I'm bitching:

ooh. MiniTuckin' Magazine...

obviously terms like these are the reasons we have courts and lawyers to interpret what it means on a case by case basis, but there is strong precedent to support ANY out of doors place where you are making no efforts to conceal yourself (and even if you are) qualifies as a public place and is exempt from an

May the road rise up to meet you

Um, what?