
Well, Nicholas, you have sent me an excellent question from your iPhone, and I can think of nothing better to do than respond using my own iPhone. Unfortunately, my fingers are too fat to type properly, and I often end up sending inexplicable Emojis while I'm trying to sext with my girlfriend.

Thanks for this, I was trying to think of some Troy McClure quote to make up then I read yours. I would give you 50 likes if I could.

"Hi!" he says. "I'm Troy!"

The best part is, on their unclickable website, this is the "Corporate Headquarters":

Vector is an automaker that has been borderline vaporware for its entire existence, but their latest WX-8 with approximately zero produced is true vaporware. At least the WX-8s website is great.

I love how he looks at the task as if the cheese wheel were a living being following instructions. "We have already explained to the cheese where he must broken."

How is this vaporware?

Lets just hope he decides to dump this pile off the sides of the boat rather then keeping it around to fester.

I wonder if the judge will give a shit or ramble on rhythmically.

Still, if Scat Enterprises wins this lawsuit, they'll be rolling in it!

Sir, you are a scholar and a gentlemen. You deserve a golden shower, a very warm one.


Where is a sarcasm font when you need it?

GM totally doesn't deserve a break. They deserve a few decades of no breaks whatsoever as a result of the 80's and 90's.

If it actually is capable of powering a jet, can you imagine taking off in a fusion powered electric jet? I am excited for the future.

I would assume. I don't think we really fuse anything else in these types of reactors. And the fact that the "blanket" is designed to breed fuel is pretty brilliant (I'm assuming it's full of water to catch stray neutrons and create more D or T).

Ford truck enthusiasts are already waiting for their chance to buy a 2015 Ford F-150, however, there are less faithful truck buyers who will forego their brand of choice for a great deal, and those buyers seem to be flocking to GM and, especially, to RAM.