
Drama mask with Hogan 'stache FTW.

Your fellow font nerds have your back, bro.

Usually, those big brand badges are drilled and epoxied. It's the same reason my old WRX still has the Suby badge on the trunk, but not the "WRX" or "Impreza" badge.

Here's another fahkin' luxury item you may want to fahkin' invest your fahkin' money in.

"quality is job 1"...

Apropos of nothing, I saw a caravan of Camaros yesterday headed south on highway 75 (about 10-12 of them) and half were Hennesseys. Wonder if they were headed down to Houston.

That's not "well-hydrated" pee... that's "trying to beat a drug test" pee.

You just best make sure the fluid representing your leakage is blue. Windex blue. 'Cause that's what ladies' menses looks like. I know 'cause I seen it on the TV.

"I'm buggin' out! I'm buggin' out!"

Since I can't make a comment on the embedded video still, I'll have to do it here: There is about 6 fucking inches of panel gap between the shitty Lambo doors and the rear quarter. Is this normal for these types of conversions?

So you've discovered that embracing the worst of Western attitudes doesn't "get you any pussy"?

Lambo doors: making decent looking cars ghetto for the last 20 years.

Holy crap. 1-2. Much respect.

Oklahomans and Texans are well ahead of the game.

Hey, that's better than nothing. People that buy these things can use them the way they want (it's their money); but when it's exclusively a mall crawler, it's like having a herding dog that you keep in an apartment. If you don't let it act on instinct every once in a while, it will go insane.

Thank you for using your vehicle for its intended purpose. It's just sad that Land Rovers, Land Cruisers, and other off-roaders have become little more than status symbols over the past couple of decades.

I just thought to myself, "WWRSD (what would Rusty Shackleford do)?" The words just flowed from there.

Me too, but those were professional drivers.