
So, let's see...

That Impala looks like a Corvette coupe with a five-head.

Takes the whole digestive system out of the equation that way.

Cost is not the issue. I don't care if they were $20 or $200. Feel free putting those things back on your face after swimming in other people's aerosolized fecal matter and herpes viruses.

Then John Smoltz ironed his nipples to a crisp and had to hand the booth over to Sid Bream.

Having worked in journalism for many years, I understand the formula of the question headline (even though many will say it's a cop-out, it is ubiquitous when it comes to auto journalism).

As a person who works in the energy industry, I have a special level of respect for the liquidators (especially those who shoveled away the highly irradiated roof tiles on what was left of 3&4).

I wonder if the estimated range on electrics are advertised low on purpose to avoid such a thing.

I admittedly live in a part of the country that isn't terribly saturated with electric vehicles, but the only time I see anyone driving a Leaf (about 3 or 4 of them within 5 miles of my house that I can remember), it's a lady driving it to the grocery store that's 2 miles from her house (the only place around here

Even if I was alerted by my phone that I'd left my sunglasses in a public restroom, I wouldn't go back for 'em.

Yes, but at the same time, a lot of those folks are the same ones who champion an organization's right to operate in whatever way it sees fit.

When I was at the bank today, they had Fox News on the televisions in the lobby. They were discussing the whole Sterling issue. The sound was off, but I imagine the dialog was pretty much the same as what is contained in these tweets.

"Already did it. Probably won't do it again. Wouldn't be prudent."

"First kidneys, now cats. It's obvious the entire Force family was genetically engineered by the government to create a clan of organ-harvesting operatives trained in feline mind control."

Right on top of the bird catcher. This cat knows what it's doing.

(in best Dr. Nick Riviera voice)

"Stop short!"

I have to assume they're made of rojo.

I think the point is more along the lines of "if you're reading this blog and you actually have the money to afford this trip, you're probably too smart to purchase said trip".

You mean EVERY chance that the cheerleaders will win.