
It's the "forbidden fruit" aspect. It's like me wanting to drive a SEAT, knowing full well that there are other cars that I could actually get my hands on that are probably better.

Although the downside of driving an F-body is that a mullet, tank top, and Zubaz are mandatory.

You summed it up perfectly, and also made an important distinction between "car dudes" and Jalops.

You're aware the generation just before you probably said the exact same thing about every dress at your prom, right?

I sure hate to be in a ship/building that didn't flex. That would be shear insanity.

There is absolutely no way the use of this device could end badly. Nope.

Not for long, I'd imagine. Dries too quickly.

Those people are idiots. The clownshoe rules supreme.

It's so terrible... but soooo good. As long as you blast this with the windows down at least once a month:

I say get the cheapest good example of that fat, soul-less, skill-less bastard...

On the CL and SL AMGs:

On the G63:

Another one of those threads where I am compelled to recommend every post. They are pretty damn good looking little cars. And if you consider how much better the Sonics are than the model they replaced, it's a no-brainer.

OK, just a few of mine:

Oh, I understand. It's a MR minivan. You have no need to explain yourself.

I'll give that a recommendation, though I have to ask: Is it really a guilty pleasure if the majority of "car people" will understand?

Not a rapist/molester van. That's a surfer van. It has windows.

Any list of time capsule fails is incomplete without the shame of Tulsa, Miss Belvedere.

So you actually want to encourage hypermilers to accelerate their Prius even more slowly down on-ramps?