
I just love the fact that all of these guys who were players when I was a kid in the '80s have become adorably grumpy old men... and then there's Leyland - the only guy up here that, for some reason, you'd be legitimately justified in being frightened of.

"... and compare the thrill of driving the TLX to "staring into a wolf's eyes."

Wish I'd have known about this BEFORE spring break.

He's on his way. I heard he just had a player spill a juice box on him to stall for time.

Yeah, but this big guy makes WuShock crap his wheat-filled trousers.

Yeah, like that's going to happen.

"Oh, the humanity!"

Really? Damn, I must have been thinking about another manufacturer. Sure wish I could find that thread I was talking about, but I can't remember what it was called. It may have had nothing to do with manu-matics originally, but devolved into that type of discussion.

They do look nice, but yeah. That's kinda lame.

When you actually have chromed steel parts on the car (bumper supports, mirrors, etc.) it belongs just fine.

Hmm. Let's see. Blind corner, fast cars?

Probably somebody from the wrong side of the TRAX.

Those are obviously speed holes. Minus the holes, of course.

Mmmm... Milltek. (drooling sound).

Sorry, didn't realize you meant the actual slip-ons that cover the real tips. Now my first reply makes no sense.

Back at'cha!

Point #1: Title of this thread is :"What Commonly Used Design Detail Should Die a Very Quick Death?", not "What Car Deserves to Die a Very Quick Death Because it Uses These Elements?".

That argument only holds water if we're criticizing one car for having all of the previously mentioned elements.