
So many dead Minecraft dogs...

"Oh, you. Hehehehe!"

"Yeah, thanks a lot, guys."

"Killed 4 people, got away with it, AND everyone expects me to apologize?"

"Poop particles!"

Agreed, though Nickleback seems like more of a "D" or "drop D" kind of group. I guess you could say they love the "D".

"Most toilets flush in E Flat."

That's right.

Exactly $3 less than driving said Caddy from Idaho to Montana.

The vomit only confirms its provenance!

There's something to be said for a man who loves getting pleasure from an Escort.

A bit too pointy and sharp for Ray's tastes...

ihm96's grandchildren in 60 years:

"Authoritative"? Yes.

So where the hell was this conspiracy to "create the best possible game" during the Super Bowl?

"Wait... what?"

Yeah, but you need something taller than a 10-series sidewall profile.

Wow. Totally did not know that.

"...wireless crapability..."