
That person sounds like they need a steak.

But the less he talks, the more words they have to come up with on their own!

Way to up the cruelty factor.

Nearly 30 years later, and I still want to check out that 4x4.

The palace needs a new boiler?

Well, all I know is that Bill's a pretty good dude. He's been back to Tulsa a few times and taken time out of his day to brighten the day of his fans. Since I'm more a fan of his football exploits than his wrestling stuff, I'm not at all interested in the contents of his shorts.

4-year-old me assures you that even if those are your intentions, it won't end the way you were hoping.

As a resident of a southern midwest state, I'd like to thank NY for reminding the rest of the country that racist shitbags don't limit their presence exclusively to red states.

I hate to admit this, but I often listen to the "conservative" radio station on the way to/from school, as it is in the middle of nowhere, and it's right in between two broadcast towers of NPR (neither of which cover that area - THANKS OBAMA!).

Don't take either one, unless you want to crap a T-Rex later.

That over-the-cap thing that made the rounds a while back looked just as bad, but seemed like it would be far less awkward. I guess they couldn't get that one approved.

...or three.

Another "pretty big Jew":

Now that is something I'd be willing to beta test.

"One dollar and NINE CENTS!"

But it served a purpose. It showed an entire industry (heck, manufacturing in general) a real-world example of brand cannibalization, as well as what happens when you don't deliver on unbelievable hype.

"No comment, and not just because I'm dead."


I'm pretty sure this guy has done this before: