
Though in fairness, that era of Americans I was referring to pronounced it the same way the Vietnamese did: "boo-koo". Maybe that's the source of the confusion.

She's not connecting because every time she's in the public eye (past 10-15 years or more?), she come across as opportunistic and not at all genuine.

25 years later, he still doesn't realize that the SNL "Superfans" skit was a joke.

I've done living that would've killed lesser men. It's my time to sink into middle age and be happy.

I've been under the impression that you end up buying a 4C despite its shortcomings, not because it's an all-around "great car".

Never heard any American who wasn't from the Vietnam war era use that term (unless one of their parents was a vet).

You can get an Arai for around the same coin, and you don't have to worry about it accidentally going off and obstructing your vision if you lean too far for the gyrometer's liking.

What's with little fetal alcohol syndrome lady? Is she a reporter, a cop, etc?

That's all.

(After registered owner is found) "Uh, of course it still had the motor in it... A 427 side-oiler! It was totally on a trailer, too - probably worth about ten grand just by itself! Those um... "urban types" must have stolen it. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Just imagine... rippin' down the straight at Suzuka at 8 mph in a lunar rover!

Oh, I didn't realize that GT6 wouldn't have a next-gen version. I assumed it would be like COD Ghosts, and you could upgrade for $10 if you happened to buy the next-gen system a little later.

You have a valid point, if you ignore that there are cars that exist that are more than 10 years old. I'd rather buy an old I6 car, build it up, daily drive it, and keep my house than be homeless while maintaining a finicky old V12.

I'll give you that, but unless you have lots of coin to throw down and even more for maintenance costs...

Yeah, pretty sad when you think about it. Oh well. It was an excellent idea that was too expensive, and therefore never quite took off.

But WHYYY no manual, Subaru, WHYYY?

Oh no you didn't!

I DD an H4 ('06 stage 2 WRX), and I have to admit, that familiarity may be dulling my senses to the glorious rumble that accompanies me on my daily commute.

I'm not a "THIS" kind of guy, but THIS.

Karts? An X-Bow?