
They'd have a hard time charging 125 large for that.

Yet another movement started by dumbasses in the good ol' US of A... you know, because freedom.

That's what I heard, too... and thus, the driver proves himself to be another internet-educated idiot who doesn't actually understand what a corporation is.

Louis says all that needs to be said... without a single word.

THIS. If you choose to fight authority, you must do it within the confines of the law. You have every right to refuse to answer questions without Saul Goodman present, but driving off and claiming to be an autonomous nation? Good luck with that, buddy.

My ass - a real sovereign citizen would never capitulate to such authority.

"Fer chrisake, it's a BMW. I shouldn't have to add $20k to get the good stuff! Shouldn't it come with the good stuff? Is the extra stuff just gooder?"

Getting arrested. LIKE A SIR.

They aren't legal in all states, but if they are legal where you live, you don't get to pick and choose the laws you obey (well you can, but if you get caught, it's nobody's fault but your own).

Here's to the sovereign citizens... doing their part by making literally everyone else on Earth look more intelligent than them.

I think I saw that - the one about how some "electronics recyclers" don't really recycle at all... they just sell it by the pound to someone overseas (making a tidy profit), and it ends up in places like this.

See, here's the thing, though. You obviously care about your reputation, and depending on what sort of services you provide, I'm willing to bet there aren't dozens (even hundreds) of other people like you offering the same kind of services in your immediate area.

Don't know where you live, but disposal fees are overseen by the EPA, with each state determining its own fees. Not really a choice by the retailer.

They call them flushes because it's really just easier to flush your money down the toilet. Saves a trip to the dealer, too.

Most likely as far as frequency? Out-of-pocket dealer serviced scheduled maintenance.

"The way that the GoPros work... I don't know, I don't know if the card was full, if the battery was dead...I don't know what I have."

And the paranoia factor is increasing dramatically now that fact's been made public. These latest claims (by this guy and pencil-'stache yesterday) smack of desperation and falsehood.

That is the fishiest part of the story... so your buddies don't try to lay the beatdown when he "hits" (whatever that means) this imaginary rider, but after Captain Brake-
Check gets his rear tire tapped, it's clobberin' time?

Exactly. If he actually had the evidence to completely change the dialogue of this incident, he would have watched that tape as soon as he came home.

They have this where I live, but it's not quite as anachronistic. They just call it red light avoidance, or something like that. There will quite often be (during high traffic holidays, etc) cops at intersections enforcing this and "blocking the intersection" infractions.