
That being said, let's see if these comments turn into a dialogue lambasting the estrophobic/phallocentric nature of the auto maintenance industry.

"If you have a solution, call the NYPD or the Baltimore PD, where they have these dirt bike riders, too."

This actually happened to me when I was a kid (sans butt-plug demo). My aunt was in town visiting, and rented a Lincoln town Car (this was around '88 or '89, I think). I helped her put some bags in the trunk, and I closed it as she got in the car.

Every time I see these things, I can't help but think of that damn "Christmas Shoes" song. I have no idea why.

That's an actual thing people do?

Damn! I saw a V6 Mustang today with one of these AND chrome "3.7" numbers on the fenders.

Reminds me of the early Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where Larry tries to be a car salesman.

Not that I'm disagreeing with you, but fuzzy dice don't seem that dangerous as a projectile. I'd be more concerned about the cell phones people can't seem to go 5 minutes without checking - those could be pretty nasty flying around the cabin during a crash. That being said, I would love to see some sort of stupid

I've never been pulled over in my '06 Cobb stage 2, and I've daily driven it since I bought it new. No wing and silver paint probably helps. That, I I don't drive like a jackass.

Didn't you know Lewis Hamilton is a white guy with hairy knuckles?

'59 Electra? Are they joking? Not the best example of '50s styling, but certainly not one of the worst. I definitely wouldn't kick one out of my garage.

Crystal Gray WRX here - de-badged, no wing, no stickers. Stage 2 for 7 years, and not a single ticket. It just disappears into traffic like a ghost.

I'm partial to those myself - mine's an '06. They were called eagle-eyes on the forums when they first came out (going along with the "eye" theme; bug-eye, blob-eye). It's always been considered the ugliest of the first-gens, (I always called it the pig-nose, myself) but none of them are particularly attractive.

May I submit (in much the same way that others do when complaining about the opposite conversion headaches) that you just do some damn math?

Yeah, but look how "stanced" his front passenger wheel is afterwards! Hellaflush!

I love that he loses his coil spring and just keeps going... he totally meant to do that.

I just posted a reply in the Answers of the Day section about how I want to get a more "mature" fast car, since everyone else I see in a WRX looks like a 20-year-old bro-dude (TulsaMtnBiker, I'm sure you are one of the exceptions - if you've see a surly old bald guy in a silver pig-nose/eagle-eye sedan, that's me).

As the 30-something owner of a pretty heavily modified WRX (stock exterior, no wing), I can't say I take umbrage with the fact that my car is on the list. I live in a city, but it's small enough that WRX/STI owners still wave at each other. The only thing that disheartens me is the fact that every time I wave, the

NP. Why? Because wooden bed, that's why.

Thirded. Makes the clown shoe look even more awesome.