
Fun fact: Alice Walton is an honest to god murderer, having struck and killed a 50-year-old woman with her car; no charges were filed. She has continued drunk driving ever since. Oddly, the murder is downplayed in every single mention, including articles about her other drunk driving and her Wikipedia page.

“I wanted to marry the love of my life and go to the right schools, and that was denied me because I am not some fucking whore.”

Mmmmmaybe a good start to recovering from this would be maybe blaming the men instead of the women. Like, getting in touch with reality might be a good way to heal.

Because women very, very seldom lie about rape and believing other women when they allege rape is just one of those basic things that decent human beings do????

I find it endlessly disappointing that feminist writers who in every other case will talk about how we ought to believe victims (WE SHOULD) make an exception for women who were hurt by Bill Clinton.

Like, really? You can still vote for Hillary, whatevs, just be honest with yourselves. Ugh.

I need to show this to this one person who keeps yelling at me about how supposedly I oughtn’t criticize the police because they supposedly help battered women.

Hmmmm nahhh, they’ll say that about a white woman too. Not to downplay their racism, but believe me, they don’t hate women less if those women are white.

Obviously concentrating on the important things here. (eyeroll)

The irony in the above is hilarious.

The Democrats are immigrant-friendly? better tell that to the immigrants, who may have a different impression.

Iiiiiii don’t think you actually know what “right wing” means.

Define “right” and “left.”

(They don’t stand for what direction you are from the other group; they stand for actual political beliefs.)

That doesn’t make the Democrats left, it just makes them marginally less awful.

Right now, Dems = right wing, Repubs = lunatic fringe. If you want left, you gotta go elsewhere.

White kids do a ton of drugs: har de har, what a cute rite of passage!

Oh cool! You have the luxury to remove your special, special kiddos from the failing public school system instead of trying to change it. SO GREAT.

aspiring creators actually benefit more from platforms like YouTube and SoundCloud, and it’s the established creators who feel cheated about the proliferation of their music.”


Are dudes really not aware that women Hillary’s age are long past having “cycles”????

(Nevermind the stupidity of the rest of it...)

Maybe, maybe not.