The problem is its not cool to show boners and floppy penises are just kinda anticlimactic and comical.
The problem is its not cool to show boners and floppy penises are just kinda anticlimactic and comical.
Speak for yourself. I love looking at a beautiful penis. So sick of people saying that dicks are objectively unattractive.
The “cuck” accusation is so telling. I wonder if those types realize how much of their own insecurity they’re revealing.
That seems extreme! Poor parkers are annoying, but smearing poop on their car? That is a pretty gross and significant reaction.
One thing I can control is the amount of donuts I will eat in response to this sad as hell post.
When I was a teen, my PARENTS were into sign stealing. They would have “sign battles” with their friends. I feel the need to mention no alcohol at all was involved. All parties completely sober. I have weird parents.
I know people are piling on, but I sort of agree with you. I was an adult when this photo appeared, and am fairly up on world events, but my takeaway was more “What a gorgeous young girl” and less “She’s a symbol of refugees”. It probably wasn’t until I saw the follow up article years later that I understood how…
Obviously that is the appropriate take away. Fucking moron.
You have way more self-control than I do, and I am straight and boring as all get-out.
Hank Scorpio understands.
Also, do not be surprised that everyone, including astronauts and aliens, hates you when you place 13 signs for the same candidate in your yard (even if you are that candidate).
“ a spacesuit stole more than 13 Trump signs from his yard, including one which was apparently stuck 15-20 feet up in a tree.
I know what I’m doing tonight.