
There are plenty of people who aren’t assholes all over the country... and PLENTY of assholes in the “enlightened” northeast. I should know, I live here.

So the thrust of the plot is that he moves forward her character arc?

We’ve found something even worse than a Manic Pixie Dream Girl: a Manic Pixie Suicidal Disabled Guy. ugh.

The answer to this, though, isn’t to claim that sex work isn’t brutal and exploitative: it’s to start talking about how virtually ALL labor exists on a continuum of brutality and exploitation.

If this is about preventing women from being treated as commodities, especially with regards to sex, then, Jimmy, that horse left the barn well before you were born, dude.

This is all true but... I’d love to see a piece like this talking about how we’re really going to destroy the wage gap, by ORGANIZING AT OUR WORKPLACES.

Women have the right to abort on demand. Forcing someone to give birth is barbaric. Full stop.


Seriously! Mia has never struck me as 100% ok but Allen CLEARLY is guilty. Both are true.

“I think resentment over being too logical to succumb to fake love is part of what fuels my fiery hatred of cults. Even their members.”

dang, that is an excellent summary of my feels here. thank you.

well I for one am convinced - this definitely does not sound like an endorsement from someone who is a member of a cult.

The hilarious thing is that they think that people should be punished with babies... but also that babies are the most wonderful thing in the world that everyone should be grateful to have.

Literal baby-sellers. For Jesus.

I seriously want to see a video of a massively pregnant woman waddling into one of those places and talking about how she wants an abortion so she can fit into a swimsuit, or some silly shit like that. THE LOOKS ON THE FACES OF THE WORKERS WOULD BE PRICELESS

Yeah, pretty sure that Mieville is much smarter than whoever put that claptrap together.

Because capitalism has such a great record when it comes to valuing human life. (eyeroll)

You liked “I Will Fear No Evil”? ...why, exactly????

Ever read “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair? That really HAMMERS you with the ideology... and it’s pretty hard to argue with because they were totally right about the meat factories being super gross. Surely you can’t argue that it would have somehow been better if they’d been less vehement about how bad it is to serve

I don’t understand what on earth you’re on about.

“And courts disagree because your modern “feminist” goes atound, homeless, and finds used condoms to impregnate themselves with to get child support.”

I am entertained by these stories of goings-on on your planet. Obviously these things do not happen here on Earth, but they sure are interesting.

Can’t argue with biology, bro. sorry.