Because they think sexually active women are stupid.
Because they think sexually active women are stupid.
I have to say, her reemergence into the public eye has made me really admire her. She survived an incredibly humiliating ordeal and has emerged with tremendous class and dignity. Yay Monica!
The picture on the article is Prudie herself, who admittedly does have bitchface, but is not the guilty party.
It means she's too polite to say the n-word in mixed company but is definitely thinking it.
One of my friends pointed out that in TRULY rich neighborhoods, the houses are too far apart for trick-or-treating - too much hiking for too little payoff. So not only is this lady a dick, but she's a dick who likes to pretend to be wealthier than she is.
I'll be honest: I greatly prefer this idea to an actual mosh pit.
Serious question: good for you for prioritizing your appearance, but why do you feel that others have the obligation to do so as well?
Umm.... just what harm are they doing to you or anyone by being sloppy? You seem to believe they have an obligation to be all put together. That is a 'tude that does no ladies any good, whether they've spawned or not.
Infants are helpless and are constantly, unpredictably spewing fluids, plus breastfeeding leads to leaky boobs, which basically puts the situation you have in your pants during your period onto your chest (thankfully in white rather than red). YOU try looking put together and having "dignity" at a time like that. Moms…
A few questions, based on posts of mine that you've ignored?
Define "radical feminism."
(This should be amusing...)
1/3 of all women have had abortions; it stands to reason that some of them are "pro-life."
The only justification we need for abortion is that a woman wants one.
Funny how it nearly always is, though.
Because if God is real, even God doesn't respect human embryos; fertilized eggs have a nasty habit, via nature, of winding up in your toilet or your maxi-pad. Miscarriages before a woman even knows she's carrying a preshus babby happen routinely:…
Fuck euphemisms, man - anti-choice is so vague. (So is pro-choice or pro-life, for that matter.)
That's right! And they, too, are anti-women!
They're forced-birthers. That's what I call 'em and you should too.
Yeah, they're perfectly happy to have women suffer and die because they need to be punished for having sex. So that's not going to sway any of these douches. (Also they'd call it pornography because she's naked.) (Yes, I know she's naked and dead, but that wouldn't make a difference to those nutbars.)
They claim that they do, and perhaps they've convinced themselves that they care about embryos. But given a real live embryo, they would... well, first of all they'd need a microscope to know that it's there, and you can kinda see a real baby with the naked eye (and hear and smell it, too).