
Lying is far from a new strategy for these assholes: they've been harping on a completely made-up claim that abortion causes breast cancer for years, and they also invented "post abortive syndrome." You'll hear about both of these things at "Crisis Pregnancy Centers" all over the US, which are usually disguised at


"In Nazi Germany, the penalties for abortion were increased again. In 1943, providing an abortion to an "Aryan" woman became a capital offense. Abortion was permitted if the foetus was deformed or disabled."

get your facts straight, moron.

's'funny how you know so much more about this than, say, people who have devoted their life to research... tell me, where are you getting your info from?

"In May of 2014, Bristol, Connecticut had 7 bomb threats at 7 different schools within a 10 day span."

You have literally hundreds, no THOUSANDS of other places to state your opinion freely. Why does it climb up your butt so much to be denied one, just one?

How much are you going to pay me to watch your stupid video? Because however much it is, it isn't enough.

hurf, durf, blurf.

Because it's possible to care about multiple things at once? And, maybe if this kind of virulent sexism exists in a particular group that has one hobby in common, maybe their hobby might be related, or at least there's a question worth asking?

I guess this is the picture you show every awkward kid to reassure her that she'll grow up to be much less awkward-looking?

Oh, shut the fuck up.

It's not a fail to have kids. it is a fail to put your child's pictures on a dating app that's mostly used for hookups.

Let me guess: is your picture on Tinder an art piece, a big fish, or just your cock hangin' out there?

No, they're all "look at me holding this giant fish I caught!" pictures, on a boat. SO MANY OF THEM.


What's with the Tinder guys with pictures of big fish?

And how about the ones who are clearly posing with their wife, in her wedding dress?

And why so many with their kids?


Ask what she's reading; then read social cues to determine whether she wants to continue the conversation or not. (Do not ask "Am I bothering you?" because she'll feel the need to say "oh, no," just to be polite even if she wishes you would burst into flames.)

The response to that would be, "Ok, ya got me, I don't have a boyfriend - I'm just lying to you to get you to leave me alone, because you're very, very ugly."

Done with headdesking - now moving on to headflooring.

You just used a whole lot of words to say "I'm a racist idiot."

There are not enough desks for me to slam my head on in response to this.