A whole week???? what, did it take you a week to get a hold of him after your first date?
A whole week???? what, did it take you a week to get a hold of him after your first date?
Same here! It's weird tho, my numbers are much more equivalent with my gay male friends than my female friends, even the ones who consider themselves "slutty." I've just done a ho' lot of online dating, and most of those dudes weren't boyfriend material, but that didn't mean I wouldn't have some fun with 'em. There…
I smell a fedora.
One side already is: the pro-choice side, by working on improving education and access to birth control. Only, the pro-choice side also understands that the number will never BE zero - that simply isn't humanly or biologically possible.
No, YOU'RE missing the point.
I vote both.
"One out of every three women in America will get an abortion; to me, that's too high."
Women should get abortions exactly as often as they decide they need them. And I'm really glad you're not in charge. "Pro choice" my fucking ass.
"Right now abortion is becoming too common of a procedure."
What fucking planet are you from? An abortion is the end of a pregnancy. The removal of a fetus, in the case of ectopic pregnancy, is an abortion. End of story, nutbar.
You keep talking as though anyone could read what you're saying and come out of it with anything beyond "HURF, DURF, BLURF."
It's not because you're a man. It's because you've demonstrated clearly that you have all the intellectual capacity of a chicken that's already halfway through the processing plant.
At what point are you going to realize that calling women insane makes you look stupid, rather than making them look insane?
"I have female friends"
You're welcome! (high five, low five, behind the back five)
Honey, your "all women with opinions are crazy manhaters" shit isn't making us feel inadequate, the way it's supposed to. It's just making us laugh at you. Gotta find a new tactic, broskidoodle.
Having endured an obscene number of very ugly breakups, I've had a few different approaches to it, and I realized in my late twenties (I'm 34 now) that DECIDING TO STOP THINKING ABOUT THEM is the winning approach. I spent two years (and part of the next relationship) mooning over my second-ever boyfriend, and it was…
No, but you can have a cookie :P
It's funny how the fellas who are the least confident about their feminist cred are the best at it. Guys who puff out their chests and say ME EQUALS FEMINIST! tend to be mansplaining dweebs. Guys like you, who are aware that you still have a lot to learn? You're doing it right.