
Your #notallbdsmers comment strikes me as slightly in poor taste at the moment.

Given that the sorts of clinics we're talking about here only perform early abortions, what they would be dumping on the protestors wouldn't really have identifiable body parts in it; it would mostly be a bloody slurry.

FYI, they have a small handful of pictures they all use, and many of them are pictures of late miscarriages.

No. We need to use the word "abortion." We need to use it again and again and again and again. We need to remove the stigma. We need to remove the shame. Removing the word "abortion" from the debate gives validation to their point of view, and gives them an excuse to say "oh, even those babykillers know it's wrong."

yay!!!!!!! everyone should stand up to those motherfuckers.

My god, I hope he chokes on... something. A dick? A pretzel? A peanut? His own disgusting self-importance?

Ehn... back when I was a crazy bitch, I still had the same problem. Now that I'm a much calmer, more reasonable person, I just have less people interested in dating me overall, and they still don't fall in love with me.

I have the same problem as the woman asking the question (the dudes never fall in love with me), but I'm not the non-problematic doormat that she is. So now I wonder what MY problem is.

No, of fucking course I didn't.

Fuck neutral, they should be SUPPORTIVE of the children they teach. They should realize that wearing these shirts in a classroom full of black kids who are being told daily that their lives are forfeit in the face of white violence is horrifying. They are pretty much telling black students, "Yep, your life is

Ok, so you had some social climbers in there too. Whoopdeewhoo.

Again, the issue is not with her mischaracterizing anyone; it's the fact that the generalization is based in a lot of truth, which is not her problem. Clean up your own fandom.

Got an issue with that characterization? Talk to the creepy-ass people who perpetuate that cliche, not the women who are afraid of them. Put responsibility on those who are actually responsible.

You CAN joke about rape. You're physically capable, and nobody will stop you. However, you are not immune from CONSEQUENCES that include people calling you a dickbag.

(and not in a good way)

They actually are the hardest-partying bros anywhere. They have lots of money and access to exotic drugs. Their parties are legendary.

It helps richies form bonds with other richies so when they're out getting even richer, they can help each other get richer.

Even more so than that: there was an implicit thread embedded in this particular "rape joke."

Important note I haven't seen yet:

Indeed! i've never felt uncomfortable at any of these places, or hub, or comicopia, or comicazi. plenty of other great places to go.