
oh hai there! the First Amendment means the GOVERNMENT can't tell you what not to say. It doesn't say your EMPLOYER or other folks around you can't tell you what not to say (and hey, other folks around you can't even enforce it, so, uh, learn to live with it, dipshit).

All the more reason not to buy a damn stupid ring. eeeeough.

What in the damn fucking shit did I just read?

Fortunately, we also get to mock those assholes. Unfortunately, the procedures they have the money to get are mostly safe, while these cheap procedures are most emphatically not.

Y'know, that's a good question: what DOES happen to items like this after they're stolen and reclaimed by police? Do they wind up back at the store, or do the police get to, like, keep 'em?

Hey, why do folks keep saying "this sounds like an Islamic State" thing when it's clearly a Christian State thing? the degree to which the US is better is, well, more of a matter of degree than anything.

I do rather love the idea of a squadron of pigs praying over the contents of a maxi-pad.

Children are sacred unless they are female and were foolish enough to have sex (or worse, be raped). Then they're EVULZ, apparently.

"appropriate"? fuck you.

This is sickening and angrymaking. That poor, poor girl.

Kudos to you, Madeleine, for understanding that people who aren't in a fandom are being disrespectful when they barge in to make fun of it. This article damned near made me like bronies (the excesses of the worst of them have made the subculture pretty unappealing to me), and it's amazing how respectfully you treated

That would be the coolest thing ever. Who wants to live in Zippylvania?

Thank you :)

It is whatever these ladies can get paid to say it is.

"This is where I point out that while a lot of women look great in blonde highlights and makeup, God didn't really design women to have those things, either, so their argument is kind of silly."

Also, unlike Fox, God was fine with a very broad range of women's appearances, including ones with brown skin, and many with


What really amazes me is all the dudes who went to the same sex ed classes as I did and still didn't catch on to the fact that women do not pee with our vaginas. Like, guys, you're super mad crazy obsessed with this piece of anatomy, but suddenly when you're in class it becomes boring?

I'm guessing the author means the whole ding dang doodle, external and internal - basically everything you want to keep hidden by your bathing suit area, and everything behind that too.

hurf durf blurf double standards men's rights fedoras blurf

Yeah, there are a LOT of folks who seem to think that "free speech" means that you are legally obligated to say every foolish thing that comes into your stupid skull.