Erin, have you never seen an opera? People do this shit all the time. She's got a great voice but being skilled at singing in other languages is not unique...
Erin, have you never seen an opera? People do this shit all the time. She's got a great voice but being skilled at singing in other languages is not unique...
The second graphic down with the SMART acronym. S is for "Say NO to any sex you don't want." Really? Just saying no will make a rapist stop? Yay! Rape problem solved! Because rapists will totally stop when you tell them to. And make sure you enunciate clearly because "No" is really hard to understand: M is for…
Yep... I got married at a hotel in Vegas, and only because we planned through them did they book me a "Bridal updo" which was $100 more than a regular updo. I told them I don't need glitter and baby's breath in my hair, so just a regular hair curling would suffice. I would not stand for that shit.
And adult women too please? I was kind of grossed out by being told my wedding was my day to be a princess by sales types and dressers of hair and whatnot. I am AT LEAST an empress, but I'd rather be a witch/sorceress.
Can we abolish the word 'princess' as a compliment to little girls, already? Holy shit.
I personally hate the "I heart boobies" and "save second base" taglines because they imply that people should care about preventing breast cancer because boobs are totally hot, not because it's a devastating disease. That said, this is a ridiculous use of the court's time and the school's money.
Thanks for this post Lindy. Just do a google search for "Roma parents" or "Roma/blonde" and the headlines about the "blonde angel" and the "parents worldwide" who are hoping she is theirs are really striking.
That's probably just luck, but it does highlight that this behaviour - raping a girl just because you have an opportunity - is far from natural or inevitable. All the men I've been drunk in the company of have managed to restrain themselves, and some of them did want to have sex with me (I know because we had sex at…
Yeah...I saw some comment by a guy saying something like "OR we could just lock up every man in the world, for rape prevention!" You know what, buddy? I'm not the one who thinks this is normal male behavior - you are. My experience has taught me quite the opposite.
Devon Sawa in Casper. All ten minutes of the movie he was in. My heart! My heart! I was obsessed with the movie and watched it continuously. He was just too beautiful, I could barely stand it.
Oh! Let's play a game! How many things can you blame on single moms/sluts in 30 seconds. Ready? GO!
You want Walt Jr. to be the #1 to die? Explain yourself!
Ted is definitely the worst part of that show. Always going on and on and onnnnnn about finding his soulmate, then behaving like Barney solidly for an entire season. He's also sooo dull. He should, on paper, be my soulmate (I'M A REALLY GOOD WINE TASTER TOO, TED! I ALSO LIKE DAD JOKES AND KNOW A FEW DANTE QUOTES!) but…
I don't think her attitude is "eh, whatever." She says it was rape, she says it was wrong. I think she's just trying to explain how twisted up her thoughts were at the time, as a result of being young, naive, drugged, and badly parented. She didn't understand what was and wasn't normal in regards to sex, maturity and…
♫ Ground Control to Major Frog
Thanks for the response! I'm glad you pointed this out because it actually is a really important distinction to make. I'm sure most Americans would be shocked to find out that a majority of American Arabs are actually Christian, not Muslim. So I definitely understand your sensitivity to this issue. The only reason I…
There seems to be a good deal of pro-Assad apologetics starting up in this comments section.