

Loved Jet Grind Radio.

Common drop: Power Crystal.

You can sit on a copyright and wait for something that infringes on it to take off and make a huge amount of money. You are then owed for all of the infringement that has happened up to the date of the lawsuit (and maybe even longer).

You built that costume with the help of KYOJI!


And for dessert, finish it with a McBukkake.

Now playing

Suiseiseki? Oh no... Must resist... Crap! Run! Save yourselves!

Let's ask Big Mac.

I wonder if powering up/transforming will be accomplished by yelling/screaming for several minutes.

Saved by misspellings! Reminds me of Fez misspelling Tad Nugent and Thad Nugent.

Better hurry up and get those FUS RO DAH! And FUS RO yay! Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie shirts while you still can.

I thought the female member of your group was Venus.

Hearted, promoted, and I would star you but I don't have that power.


Yeah, take away the Flood and I could easily see Halo being a T-rated series, even with all the blood spatter.

Are you sure it's not Le Tigre? Perhaps Puma? Or even his trademark Blue Steel?

He looks like he's trying to be a model.

My dragon just shouted, if you know what I mean.

Quagmire approves!