Whoa. That's very OP. Hmm. Well, I was going to have to make a new character to try out the werewolf powers and the plastic surgeon.
Whoa. That's very OP. Hmm. Well, I was going to have to make a new character to try out the werewolf powers and the plastic surgeon.
Vampires still get to use the crossbow.
Garrus breaking the fourth wall with that shippers line.
*Uses Vampire Grip on you.*
They just fit my playstyle best. I tried expanding my horizons, but it didn't work out.
Though I think "Fuck Digital Extremes" is a bit strong since I did like The Darkness 2, I agree that Starbreeze did an amazing job on The Darkness and it was better than The Darkness 2 - gameplay in 2 was a bit better, but 1 just had a certain atmosphere to it and a level of polish and story involvement that was just…
I thought by "Darkness" you meant the original "The Darkness," which meant Starbreeze.
In my defense, I was always going to buy this game. A special edition with extra swimwear is just a bonus.
Diagonals were annoying, even with the nub. But I love how Ryu's Gao-Sho was upgraded to include a fireball when fully charged. A fireball that makes short work of Alpha-152.
No need to apologize, Mr. Fahey. I always welcome more Kasumi whenever possible. She is, after all, my favorite female fighter, and one of my two mains, the other being Ryu Hayabusa.
The movie was surprisingly decent. Not that it was anything to write home about, and Ryu muthafakkin Hayabusa losing at anything is preposterous, but yeah, I was entertained.
Radical! Awesome! Totally tubular, dude!
Hey, hey, hey! That's just plain wrong, dude!
Everywhere around the world, are ya ready for a brand-new beatdown?
Black. It's quite slimming.
You closed all of your parentheses perfectly. Top marks.
That only happens for gold bricks in Gotham City, and no, it doesn't make you invulnerable. You just stand there while the game saves, and unless you're on a rooftop, an enemy will spawn nearby while it saves and come over to kill you.
Ditto the annoying "Please wait while the game forces you to stand still while it saves" for Gotham City in the 360 version. It doesn't even do the courtesy of making you invulnerable if you're playing as a character that doesn't have that as a power, which is stupid because of the amount and frequency of enemy…
Sometimes the audio varies between barely audible and blow-your-ears-out loud, there's too much background noise to really understand, or a line is delivered in a way that, intentionally or not, is hard to understand, so I like to have them on. That and it sometimes is how they spell moans and groans of pain. Also,…