
Thanks. My math-oriented brain was exploding.

Tara Strong is pure awesomeness.

Is it just me, or does she look a lot like Juliet Starling if she let her hair down? I think we need Tara Strong to have her hair done in twintails with the cheerleader outfit from the game just to make sure.

Pretty sure it was Princess Celestia, a.k.a Trollestia.

Um, equal parts red, green, and blue - that is, 3 colors - divided evenly among 400 cupcakes is not possible unless the one remaining cupcake is one third each color.

The Assassins ARE Ninjas. They just use a different name and wear predominantly white is all.

It is now called the Rainbow Ring of Dash.

We must share its magic with... um... he?

Now playing

It's pretty much this. Warning: Due to the sudden terror these guys experience, it is recommended that you not watch this while at work and also turn down your volume.

After Condemned 2, I too would like the chance to get the drop on a bear.

I think it's so accurate because Ezio's gun was based on designs provided by the Apple of Eden, which basically is a knowledge vault of the god-like Those Who Came Before, and assembled by Leonardo Da Vinci, who was a master engineer, craftsman, artist, and all-around cool dude.

I just had an idea for a custom charger - A green unicorn pony with a black mane and tail with spots in each of her flanks for the controllers. The controllers would serve as her cutie marks

I did tweak my FemShep's face a little - switched to the ponytail and finally got the shade of blue eyes I wanted her to have.

Best part of that game is first person mode. You see the inside of the mask, the two eyeholes, and hear your own heavy breathing.

Ubisoft: I put the fires out.

That's not the first thing that came to mind when I read "Horse Beatoff Extreme."

Eh, he's pretty cool.

It ain't a gay orgy until a bear and a shark double-team a muscly hispanic dude.

I bet you'd hop right on that frog dick.

This does NOT sound LIKE a comePLAINT.