Next DLC characters: FemShep and Liara!
Next DLC characters: FemShep and Liara!
No he wouldn't. Remember, this is a guy that can make sitting down and answering the phone look like one of the coolest things ever.
Who else but Quag... Er... Salari?
Ah, Ewa Sonnet.
Only a problem for Nero.
A proper Dante would take one look at the headset/earpiece/whatever, say, "Well, aren't you clingy..." and then shoot it. He'd then start walking away, and say, "Word of advice, babe. If I want your help, I'll call you."
It seems to be divided into three camps - People that are disappointed that you have no choice about whether or not to kill the guy, people that are disturbed by his pleading, and people that think it comes across as a heavy-handed attempt at making you feel bad about killing a mook with a face.
Well, the Wii is made by Nintendo. Unless their console design and manufacturing has changed since the GameCube, it stands a chance of living through the inevitable nuclear apocalypse.
Just got mine. The swords weren't broken, so I lucked out there. However, it's more difficult to put together than it should be, since Ryu is supposed to be cutting the masked guy in half while simultaneously being stabbed just below the shoulder. You actually have to slide the masked guy's sword through the hole…
Oh, this is good. They'll be waiting for us to start teabagging their fallen. And whenever they move from cover, they'll pull out a knife because they think it makes them run faster.
What's even more concerning is that in the collector's edition, Ryu's sword is broken for some people. This guy doesn't seem to notice it for some reason, but his sword is broken. You can see it clearly at 2:30.
Hey guy... he's a walking ball of ego with SUNGLASSES and a LEATHER JACKET. Don't you forget it.
Ninja is a versatile word that can be used as both noun, verb, and adjective.
It is. While there's nothing wrong with disliking the game, there's a disconnect between the actual content of the review, which boils down to, "They took a step back with several core gameplay mechanics, and while it was brave of them to try new things, they didn't make up for the lost features, and the game feels…
Feel free to add to my list. I was just listing marine animals that I know of that can look like that.
This looks like a job for deadly levels of radiation!
I love this series so very much.
Hide your smokestacks! Otherwise they might get chomped!
Only problem with that is that there aren't any men large enough to satisfy her.