
Perhaps Trump has a case of Migratory Bone Spurs, Foot to Brain*. I looked on WebMD and couldn’t find a list of symptoms, but since he’s so fucking special, perhaps we could name the disease after him.

Don’t you wish that stupidity was painful? Like bone spurs?

I second this. SO many fires. You don’t know true “growing up in the middle of nowhere” boredom in the 90's until you think lighting something on fire would be fun. 

True, but the occasional ignited vapor cloud explosion is nice for the dramatic effect.

TL/DR this is total trumped up bullshit regarding the evil-soundingpopulation control” *trumpets of doom* that you see the right-wing outlets touting.

QUESTION: Good evening. Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years. The planet cannot sustain this growth. I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it’s crucial to face. Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to

I like it when recording artists perform for us.

Good Points,

I always found Pulaski annoying.

Camp is fun and silly.

This article probably did more for Steve Bullock’s name recognition in the primary than any other single media spot. 

Hannity is also a perfect example of how insidious the right wing media really can be. In my younger, lied-to, conservative days, I was initially creeped out by Hannity’s “your a great American” nonsense and was annoyed he followed Rush on the local right wing radio station because, compared to Rush and the local guys

Bless your heart.

If I was his age and had that kind of money, there’s no way in hell I’d be throwing my hat in the ring. What is the point of hoarding all that gold if you don’t get to enjoy life sans-work? Is power really that addicting? 

Yeah until about a year ago I didn’t even realize how many different variants of garlic are in the world. I think like many people they just buy the ones their parents used without realizing there are different versions out there.

This. So much this. I applaud whatever amazing dick control dudes who workout in just spandex shorts have to not deal with this, but while shrinkage during running is whatever, certain workouts can definitely easily lead to a semi-chub despite no actual arousal, and there is absolutely no hiding that in skin-tight

Hah, as a lady that rush of blood to the groin is one of my favourite parts of ab and leg workouts. 

Hot Shots and Hot Shots Part Deux.