
you sold a PS4 without giving it a few months to see what was coming and bought a XBOX 1 for killer instinct? Not sure about your reasoning selling a console and buying a new one for a fighting game with 9 playable fighters to this point. Your reasoning is flawed.

I don't think it's fair to cite stats like that in the absence of evidence in this instance of what did or didn't happen. I assume Temkin is innocent until proven guilty, as I hope everyone else does.

Frankly, I'd hesitate to even dignify this hysteria with an apology, so good one or not, you really had no business expecting him to apologise in the first place, in the face a false accusation and defamation attempt. If they never had sex, via any means of penetration - penile or otherwise - then what she's referring

I'm not sure I understand how you interpreted it like that. He's saying "we definitely didn't have sex," so no rape occurred. He's saying she read something completely different into the relationship. He's not talking about consent in that regard, as best I can tell. Am I mistaken?

I was actually impressed with the intelligence of the comments in this article until I read yours.

You didn't say it was unreasonable, but you did describe it as "not cool", "kind of gross", and all around portrayed it as if he is doing something wrong or unreasonable, with one of your paragraphs coming close to mocking him as if he is indeed doing something unreasonable. I will quote:

What the fuck are you even on right now Patricia?

Why should he have to apologize for something he didn't do? He's trying to find some middle ground there, but he doesn't -have- to do that at all. I like Patricia's work, in general, but I think this article misses the mark. I'm a staunch feminist and I believe strongly in consent (to the point where I wouldn't even

I've heard those numbers and I'm not denying them, but an innocent person is an innocent person even if it's only 2-8%.

What does it matter what the percentages are? We know that false rape claims are made. We also as a society believe in the concept of presumption of innocence. Why should those accused of rape not get the same treatment (especially when no charges have ever been filed and no evidence ever presented)?

damned if he does damned if he doesn't if he denies it and fights it ppl will assume he is lying if he dosen't people assume he did it and feels guilty because in the court of public opinion if you are accused of a sex crime you are guilty. remember that case from the 80's the family that ran a day care that got

So are you saying, statistically, he's guilty?

What did you enjoy about the article?

This statement makes absolutely no sense.

"For us as the public, that's the only useful thing he could have done."

I'm sorry, but I'm completely confused as to why what he said, in his first paragraph, was wrong.

He flat out stated, "We never had sex."

... When did rape get reclassified to making out? Or is this a social redefining of rape that I haven't kept up on, not the actual legal definition?

He wasn't even making this about

Because Third Wave Feminism has completely destroyed the definition of rape. Had sex that you regret? Thats Rape. Had sex but afraid someone would judge you for it? Rape. Don't like someone and want to destroy their life? Rape. Look at a woman wrong? Rape. Exist as a male? Rape.

This also makes it a thousand times

This is complete bullshit. If he didn't rape someone, he should absolutely defend himself. People are raped and it's horrible, but people are also falsely accused and that's also an injustice. These things come down to pure "he said, she said" and that's what makes them so difficult, but an innocent person

He's not trying to start a conversation about consent, he's trying to make a response to an accusation that he sexually assaulted someone.

It's been a while since Canada's lost, and if they win it's usually just responding to the millions of predictable "Fuck Canada"'s that come from American keyboards.