
What exactly were you expecting? Winged unicorns to fly out of the console?

Well in all fairness, they are porting this game to five different platforms. Can't imagine that's easy to do in the time frame they've been given.

Devs often don't have a choice. Publisher sets a release, devs don't get to change it. So they bust their asses off rushing to fix as much as possible by the deadline.

If this were the case, games would never be released. Ever.

And despite they're the same post release jitters often seen with any major release, people continue to whine like the problems will never be addressed because they weren't fixed day one..

Yeah, I realized that in the middle of typing that last one and decided that would be the last comment wasted on that guy. Sometimes I forget that people do that sort of thing when I'm trying to affect a person's outlook in a positive manner, or at least strike up a mature debate.

Have we really reached the point of sensibility insanity where in a game about shooting other people we get mad that they punched the living shit out of a dog?

Wrong. BF's dog was shown before CoD's

The problem is not the term, the problem is the universally shared and advocated belief that feminism is "about equality", when feminists, even when they do their darnest to fight in defense of women with the best of intentions, have never bothered, in the slightest, to do something agains such issues concerning men

Sorry if this comes out as an anonymous post but I have no idea how to log in to kinja from this computer.

Well, bonus points for condescension and missing the point...and of course, Patricia agrees with you, so...bonus, I guess?

I don't know how humanity can be expected to survive much longer if we've really become this fragile. Strange how that for millions of years we've perservered in a world that never coddled us.. A world that tried to kill us endlessly.. A world where men had to be masculine not because a piece of media said so but

Do you have even the slightest idea how how insanely condescending that is? Treating prospective allies like idiot children is most assuredly not the best way to get people on your side.

...except many feminists aren't concerned with fixing the bits that hurt men. You can't "fix the system" for both genders if you don't acknowledge the problems it presents to both genders. And many, many feminists scoff at even the mention that men can suffer negatives.

suck it you console cunts i mean pissants i mean peasants

Because white people can't have any real problems right? I have read your posts in this discussion and you honestly just come across as a bitter, angry, hypocritical ass.

So pretty much everyone has proven your point to be spot on.

Maybe Laura Dale should get over it and stop bringing it up to people who don't give a shit too, right? Or is the discrimination she faced worse than what narlmonk has put up with? It was shitty what that comedian said to her, mostly because she doesn't have a sense of humour about herself. Some people do, and

Well if i wanted to I could say yes. I could say yes because the $5000 scholarship I got in California for being an Engineering major would've been $10,000 if I was a woman and not a man. I could say yes because when I applied to UCLA the point system that is used for admission gave 3 more points to anyone who was

Guys. if your comment isn't along the lines of "Kill that bastard(the comedian)!!! He's going to hell!" Then don't even bother posting cause they'll kill you. They'll call you a sack of shit, all of the same "human decencies" they're appalled aren't shown all of the time they won't show to you. You make a point that