the original Sound Of Silence, none of this Bob Dylan dubbed shit :D
the original Sound Of Silence, none of this Bob Dylan dubbed shit :D
there's exclusives worth buying?
"You must gather your party before adventuring forth."
WHY?! They have legs don't they? they can catch up, pretty sure they know where we're heading....
what ever the Ministry of Health and Welfare are smoking- I want some. To think that these are the side effects of too much gaming, I can only assume they themselves have an addiction, called Fear Mongering.
I enjoy making my own decks too much to copy someone elses- half the fun is creation, tweaking it to be (in your opinion) better than it was before. The pain of a card not living upto its specific role, your deck being beaten by someone else who had the same idea but had those few cards you've been after for ages……
I'm a terrible person xD
recreate WoW raids but as rts battles :D storming orgrimmar to "kill" garrosh would be cool army vs army style
only just started watching the tv series (not read the manga but I shall assume its better as is usually the case) - I thought the mistake was a lack of a straw hat. (til i spotted it on his back)
red light controllers mean they're not synced to anything correct? (dont own a ps4)
could be worse.
nice Tenchi Muyo reference :D
and this is why we can't have nice things.
please add "not usable in combat" else i see many a wipe - I shall call it "selfie-destruct".
ah we needn't fear then, just like dead space 3 and unity, it'll be shit then :P
"Blue life crystals can be earned through playing daily missions"
why do game devs still think this daily shit is fun? why not simply have a scoring method in raid mode that allows you to consume x points to respawn. less death = higher end score. Add 10s to decide.
"fan of Harry Potter like his boyfriend, Simba" I wasn't aware Simba was into that sort o thing ;D
Hiro reminds me of Xmen:Evolution's Kurt(Night crawler)
it'll make a guesstimate from satellite imagery ;D
i usually found the 30-50 bracket to be the most enjoyable as most classes had more than 2 attacks by then, the dungeons had alot of difficulty (before the game had a difficulty nerf and heirlooms made it a joke) and the quest areas were somewhat enjoyable (stv, desolace, tanaris, searing gorge etc) after that though,…
and people wonder why we can't have nice things.....
theyre most likely going to be killed regardless, not really got a good track record of keeping hostages alive after all. The 2 men probably know it too, may as well laugh in your captors face.