
“When I was a kid, an Infocom text adventure cost $35 brand new. Today, an indie graphical adventure costs... well, it varies, but The Witness is $40.”

born in 89', I well n truly grew through the 90s tv show wise (TMNT and Street Sharks) however, was luckily graced with older brothers who kept my music taste enlightened to the earlier years I missed.
I have a soft spot for old school cheese(ie scenes were your screaming at the bad guy, why aren’t you thwarting them?!

becoming a mainstream hobby of the masses did this- in a pursuit of “look at our flashy graphics, we promise to release content later down the line” AAA companies swarmed in looking for quick profit

he looks more rapey to me with that big smile

and now someone will make a mc rip off (there’s already plenty out there, but I mean a genuinely good one) then market it for the sole purpose of this, kids will buy the sh** just because it “looks like” mc.
Add in some internet streamers with really obnoxious voices and poof, it’s now the next big thing in a

and now he’s cosplaying as Nick Fury from now on?

only part I found funny was “I activate my special effect”
*tears BEWD in half*

and now there’s only 2 in the world, good luck making a three headed one

not til an expansions released, then they’ll be throwing it away for $20 and the new dlc will cost the same price that overwatch originally did (see WoW for reference)

Am I the only one concerned for her safety, she was totally charging Sauron head on there, earth bender or not.

I’d be happy with a lan only legacy server, fair enough raids would be out the question unless I had a lot of friends/multiboxing the shit out of it- simply the ability to see old Azeroth before cata f’d it all up and spitting on Van Cleefs(spelt right?) corpse would be a dream come true. Considering my fondest memory

a game that lets you choose which victory pose you want - here’s a thought, simply choose another one?

I don’t like sexy tomatoes on my subway sandwich therefore no one else can, and how dare my child see such a thing in a M environment

Now playing

that’d raise further questions as to what ash’s dad did on them “lonely nights”

Mrs Ketchum never really had a son, her husband (being a pokemon trainer himself) brought home a unique pokemon the likes the world had never seen before, they called it Ash. :D

seemed relevant :D

was money exchanged? yes? then in my eyes all that was won legitely- not their fault the person in charge of the machine f’d up. Should’ve been able to keep it n just a cuation to future staff not to overfill it.

underage cannoneer you say? sounds like Dragon Nest to me :D

that “welcome home” building looks a rather lot like “Go Bank” off Payday 2

And here I thought it'd be they have to kill an opponent to evolve.... dark pfffft xD

wasn’t that scum company that copyrighted the use of the word “saga” was it? :D the one that ripped off bejeweled then slapped microtansaction on it- “Peasent” I think the company was called :P