
to everyone hoping for a remake of 2 and 3- I doubt it as thanks to the guys that worked on the RE gamecube version, most of capcoms work was already done for them- they just had to port it and polish it. RE2 and 3 would require complete graphical overhauls, to the point it'd be like building the game all over again

minus the monthly $15-16 charges ;D
still cheaper than a girlfriend :P

I used to be addicted to WoW back in BC/Wotlk but as every expansions unfolded, its ultimately played out same way
*initial release is too hard for the sulks
*Grind for initial raid loot (looking at you throne of thunder/Mogu'shan) drags on and on and on and on
*Next raid/dungeon is released making all your current epics

alas I was suckered into preordering Destiny on the hopes all that open world planet exploration would be kick ass, alas all I got was each planet on repeat. I'll take peoples word for it that PVP's where it's at but that has never been my cup of metaphorical tea.

oh no not red on white! heaven forbid that it looks vaguely like it- lets ban buddhist statues while we're at it to cover all grounds...

thick skin- grow some for peat sake n stop taking offense to something that has little to no bearing on your everyday lives- don't like the entire movie based on the premise that a

that is where the problem lies- I like the concept of MMOs (playing with friends all over the world) alas a game that'd take the average joe bout a week to do takes addicts 1 all nighter to do, the ones that rush through it for the sake of "being first". I may sound like a right whinger , I don't expect my current

it's staggering the endgame loot and content in such a way that it never gets old/repetetive which seems to be alot of MMOs downfall, its either far too grindy, far too easy or pay to win.
WoW back in BC/Wotlk (before valor/justice points allowed you to buy tier) had it right. You do the Hs to get initial epics to do

I go with what I call the "Chore Factor". Does a game include such things as dailies, endless grinding to slow down how quickly you level, items that require months of work just to make 1 part of it. They're not fun, they're chores. I don't work all day to come home to a game that "requires" all my spare time to

verification needed : pretty sure wolves hunt rabbits n said rabbits drop their fur - combine 4 to make leather (relying on pure chance and the natural food chain) OR find it in dungeon chests - id assume its synthetic as it didnt come from any animal.

why blow up something that fills him with Hate?

cool another game to put on my psp :D if its any good

actually glad i've decided not to raid this expansion :D theres no enjoyment to that content for me anymore- ill stick to building a mighty garrison n farming xmog sets

Harold Boom is always better :D

how did Schrödinger not win? :D that's genius

tell those people to play Batman Arkum Asylum - upto at least the big roided out thug- then tell em to do the same fight on a controller- they'll soon realise how crap the keyboard n mouse is (nothing to do with bindings, its that the dodge is designed poorly on keyboard - imo - compared to controller.

I do prefer

(assuming it works) - I'd love this for loading screens :D - could be worse, spectrum loading screens took forever and deafened.

easily sorted- set up shop next to a soup kitchen. (bit sick considering the homeless that need it more :D)

also depending on how many additional sales could be gained from the additional work- would it be worth the investment?

the joys of retail :D anything that gets em through the doors

release Outcast 1.1- use funds from sales to work on making the HD graphics - add it as a free optional download to 1.1 allowing classic mode or remastered. everybody wins :D