People ARE allowed to have personal beliefs. And we are allowed to vehemently disagree with them if we have a dialogue, exchange emails, etc. But your suggestion is, IMHO, every bit as bad as what these unknown people may have written.
People ARE allowed to have personal beliefs. And we are allowed to vehemently disagree with them if we have a dialogue, exchange emails, etc. But your suggestion is, IMHO, every bit as bad as what these unknown people may have written.
Happy Phantom never gets any respect.
I will NOT watch Empire, no matter how much everyone loves it. Ugh, I can't watch anything with Terrence Howard without thinking of what a bag of dicks he is.
I don't think surrogacy is the problem - Sherri Shepherd and her ex-husband are the problem.
If the rumors are true that Ann Coulter's really liberal and progressive and gay-friendly and only advocates to kill all Muslims and repeal the 19th Amendment for fun and profit, she's even more disgusting.
WHAT? No! Jezebel has been hemorrhaging my favorite writers for the past several months. WTH is going on over there? Show us on the doll where the bad media conglomerate touched you!
The same think we do every night Pinky.
I love her.
In Australia as well apparently.... as per this tweet from the Queensland Police Service
I think she even said in an interview a while back, that they've stopped calling her Mom and now call her Nicole which is heartbreaking.
The customer is often wrong, but the customer service person may also be wrong. That was a story of two assholes colliding, and you're not coming off well here either. I sure as hell don't wanna visit any place where you work. You can keep the verbal abuse, thanks, I get enough of that from Dyson customer "support."
a state of affairs for which she is wholly responsible.
Not in this particular bill because it specifically excludes life threatening mental illness as a justification for an abortion after 20 weeks. It would, however, likely result in said woman being locked up as a danger to herself until she gave birth.
Agreed. She looks amazing. I mean, I'm not about to wear a fur-kini, but, go on, Mrs. West!
Wait 'til you hear about which state I like best.