
Daniel's moving day.

It does not sound like this woman should be traveling alone.

I want to know what the fuck has changed with gun owners/enthusiasts in the last decade or two that has made them completely insane. I don't get it. I come from poor farmer folk in West Virginia. My great grandparents, grandparents and aunts and uncles grew up loving guns. They were avid hunters (for food) and

Haters to the left, y'all! KK is bringing it.


This is a Can-Am Spyder. It is the dumbest thing I have ever seen, and I have graded high school English exams.

Yep. I suspect that as soon as things calm down they can do more on the investigation and I suspect the police chief will be fired but I don't think that can happen until we get a few calmer nights in a row.

I'm conflicted. Do I think the murderer deserves the protection of anonymity? No. Do I wish harm on him or his family members? No, particularly those connected to him. If he himself is killed though, I can only imagine this situation getting worse. The police are out of hand and so far, they are the only ones to

I am a teacher and I see what the school lunch is. You couldn't pay me to eat that every day. I feel like people who are bitching about this should be forced to eat school lunch every day for all of their meals for a year, because honestly school meals make up the majority of some students' diets. And, we have all

"We shouldn't have to explain why we don't trust cops when a number of eyewitnesses tell a consistent and vastly different story than that of the police officer who murdered Mike Brown."

Can you explain why Mike Brown was gunned down in the street while James Eagan Holmes, who killed twelve people and injured 70 others after opening fire in a movie theater, was escorted into a squad car?

I feel like this is within normal grandma levels of nutty. I mean possibly shady but seriously my friends grandma would steal ziplocks of soup from the old country buffet and mine watered down ketchup.

I hear you! I had to get my grade 8 grad dress from and old lady store because nothing else fit. I felt awful the whole night and gave the dress to Goodwill the next day.

Can people PLEASE stop publicly shaming their kids? I know it's cute when you put the "I eat my own feces" sign on a dog, but kids have actual social consequences. It's not okay to BE the bully in your kid's life.

The article this links to has a witness who said they thought it was consensual. So they apparently thought they were actually viewing/taping two people having sex in public at a sh*tshow concert rather than a rape. I'm sure I'll get lambasted for even suggesting it, but if she didn't say "No," and they're 17/18, I'm

It's not entirely clear whether she told HIM no, just the female bystander who asked her. Until that point, the story makes it seem like they were both willing. Details please?

You can get arrested until they're old enough to drink or smoke. Then they can get arrested on their own. The important thing is that someone gets arrested.

So I LOVED Community...I really did. But I'm just gonna say it, I think it's time for it to be over. Sorry?

Asshole. An asshole of justices.