If you think that not vaccinating your child is a good idea, you shouldn't be allowed to home-school.
If you think that not vaccinating your child is a good idea, you shouldn't be allowed to home-school.
"As I continued to call for support for infertile woman, another male voice taunted, "Can't you even bear a child?' "
I'm _so_ goddamn sick of that storyline. Worst road trip ever.
Well, it's not funny; that's half the battle.
There are enough shows about assholes on TV - I'll pass.
These people seem smug, stupid and far from interesting.
LeAnn Rhimes always looks like she's holding onto her DEAR LIFE when it comes to her homewrecking husband. If she doesn't touch him in some way, he'll run or some shit. I guess when you are home wrecker yourself, fear of karmatastic retribution always hangs above your head. They are both such awful fucking people.
If we're going to go there with leaving kids in cars, then I think it is vastly more important to write a story about "don't do it, don't do it, don't do it" with even owning a gun if you are the parent of a child. An average of 37 children per year die left in cars. Over 3,000 children per year die because of a…
"I'm not here to judge Kim Brooks"
Here ya go: (hover over "Instagram" and click "view on Instagram" to see O's words)
Love it, they're so damn cute at this age. (Mine also does "that's not so bad", generally when he's upset and he's trying to convince himself, or when he's playing with his stuffed animals and they have to "go to the doctor" or "get a hair cut.")
"We can't afford to shop anywhere that has a 'philosophy.'" (Marge Simpson)
There is that weird disconnect where a man waking up at 5 am to milk 50 cows is called "work", but a woman waking up at 5 am to milk 50 cows is called "chores".
No. I'm hearing and speaking impaired. I've been involved in the community for most of my life. These people are assholes for complaining.
They are fake Ho-Hos, that's what they are.
See, and as a mother, I feel so much sympathy for her, because I understand the fierce desire to protect your child, especially (I'd imagine) a fragile child.