
fuck. i never even got a real barbie-little lone a 900 dollar doll. I only got the generic barbies that weren’t even invited to my friends house to play with her authentic barbies because they were so dumb looking. and my mom actually made me a cabbage patch doll. yeah, thanks mom. not cool. i actually wanted the

speaking of sad sacks....

like coke

is that time coming soon? please?

i know, i keep thinking of all the times i say NO to my kids...and someone intervenes and says...just once? Just for a second, kids do it all the time. Can’t be so overprotective etc etc. Could have been a split second decision on her part and now it might cost her everything. Parenting is scary as fuck.

My brother in law was riding a snowmobile behind his cousin, the cousin fell off and my BIL couldn’t stop in time and ran over HIS HEAD. The cousin is now missing half his skull and is mentally disabled-to the point he can’t live alone ever again. It was a freak accident and guaranteed that I will never ride a

i love her on 99 and on twitter she is pretty funny too. but i couldn’t even finish her stand up cause it was so unfunny

i wonder if there is any evidence that abortions decreased once more women had access to reliable birth control.

Remember when Michelle said something like...this is the first time i have been truly proud of my country in a long time...? She was crucified for it.

you’re the puppet

she’s all class, that one

i still fucking say this all the time. no one but my sister knows what it means

how is she stuck between a rock and a hard place? plenty of kids don’t actively support their politician dads. some are quiet about(Tiffany) and some are more vocal about. She is actively supporting and profiting from her facist father.

these tweets never fail to make me laugh. they are very well done

i hope its better than Hard Choices. I couldn’t make my way through that book-i found so fucking boring even though the subject matter wasn’t.

okay-serious question. i’m american living overseas for 15 years now. i no longer have a US address or bank account. This means making online donations is sometimes difficult(only accepting american CC’s) and calling “my” representatives is also not straightfoward. what can americans overseas do to help?

i saw this-how fucking tasteless and ignorant can you be? and indeed, my second thought was-what a fucking ugly, cheap ass looking dress.

i am incredibly proud of my adopted country. lived here for 15 years now. wtih bush...people were asking me all sorts of questions but with Trump...people are can honestly not understand why someone would vote for him. and they feel sorry for me being american. i feel sorry for me too sometimes and even sorrier for

JFC. What a bunch of ingrates. I can’t even read anymore it makes me so mad. Not only do they think this shit, they find it perfectly acceptable to tweet it!

roasted with balsamic vinegar and honey(just a touch)