Or being forced into a photo shoot a month after baby is born. Do u think she can ever just walk around in stained lounge pants a ratty three day old tee?
Or being forced into a photo shoot a month after baby is born. Do u think she can ever just walk around in stained lounge pants a ratty three day old tee?
yes...she is modeling elizabeth banks’ character.....fake smile and everything. except banks turns around in the end...
so every room in their house has a tanning bed?
looks like they are having a great time...exactly what they always wanted in life
you can almost literally see the dumbness and self hatred leaking out of them
nah...he’s thinking what color brown would go best for his next cat painting. he’s out and cares even less than he did in office
oh for sure, no way in hell she wanted to be first lady. and there is no way she (or anyone) could have predicted 10-15 years ago that dumbasss would somehow squirm his way into the presidency. i don’t know that i feel sorry for her necessarily, but she does seem like a woman trapped.
Me too. Just watched the Bee segment and it hit me like a wave that this is really happening. Tomorrow. And I just broke down. My mind still refuses to accept it.
Native American dances?
I think I am honestly incapable of reading one book at a time.
“free country”-for now.
getting organ failure probably makes you really skinny. silver lining!
all manatees are chubby are fucking adorable
jesus. good for you-i lost a bunch of weight(over many years) and then had two kids and gained it all back. the bitch was i was only at a happy weight for like 6 months before i got pregnant the first time. i remember being happier-not in a life changing way but comfortable in my skin. now i am done being pregnant…
did you see some of the promo pics for this show? it was like her at like a healthy size 6 contrasted with a recent pic that makes her look very thin(with the help of angles, different make up/hair etc). I mean, her before pic was what millions of women would aspire too and placed side by side-it makes her look…
my husbands family has been running an abortion clinic for 30+ years. They were on the front line in the 70's and have been working tirelessly ever since to reduce the stigma(I live in europe). They say to anyone who will listen that access to abortion and adequate birth control is always always always about womens…
wait-is that for real? i didn’t watch the trailor cause yuck. but holy shit...they couldn’t find ANYONE who looked more like MJ than this?
at least three times a week?? as a married couple with small kids....doubtful
everyone has to do what they are comfortable with. i have crohn’s too and after number one, my meds stopped working and it was a 2 year trip through hell(with a newborn)to sort out new meds. Unfortunately, they were ones that weren’t specifically listed okay to get pregnant with but also not forbidden-just in some…