i seriously have a hard time letting my 5 year old walk two doors down to the neighbor kids house without standing in front of my house and watching him. i feel like if he sees a squirrel or a weird cat he will get distracted.
i seriously have a hard time letting my 5 year old walk two doors down to the neighbor kids house without standing in front of my house and watching him. i feel like if he sees a squirrel or a weird cat he will get distracted.
me neither. we live in europe and my whole family lives in the states. they would love to see my kids more often than they do but tough shit. i would never put my 5 year old on a plane alone. maybe when he’s ten? i guess according to the comments this is a regular occurrence people do it all the time but i have a hard…
its really sneaky. My 5 year old is just sorting out what is girls and what is boys. I am only allowed to use pink and purple crayons because those are girl colors. he doesn’t place a judgement on it yet(boys are better than girls) but he knows what goes in each gender category and since he is not a girl he wants…
She sings several of my all time favorite songs....i wish she’d tour internationally.
its no wonder they don’t let her do interviews very often-she’s not a good interview. she is so frickin uncomfortable. she giggles like a pre-teen and says French Kiss but then can seamlessly switch to I want a dick. like everyone else on this thread, i hope she gets(stays?) happy.
i wish...but then we would have to admit there is a need to eventually replace fossil fuels. And half the country can’t even admit that.
i never realized until i moved to Europe as a young adult that its a little fucking insane to make kids stand, hand on hearts and read the pledge of allegiance to a piece of cloth every morning. Its so brainwashy...
poor guy
I think she is purposely baiting him as much as possible so he shows more of his crazy.
i never understand the appeal of fame either. being rich-yes please, powerful-sure, ill take it. But famous....just seems like a huge pain in the ass.
i love these two....
but isn’t the issue that other jobs that are difficult and demanding are compensated in a way that motherhood(parenthood) is not? Moms(and Dads but for the sake of discussion...)tend to manage life which largely happens in the backround and often goes unnoticed. My SO(who is generally pretty good with this stuff) was…
i have friends who literally ONLY vacation at disney a few times a year-with their two kids. I really try not to judge-every family should do what works best for them. I moved from the states to Europe and have been lucky enough to show my kiddos lots of different things/cultures/environments. Its only enriched their…
we have a 5 year old and an infant. vacation to me =more work, more hassle. we finally realized that at this age, its better to go somewhere that tailors to kids instead of trying to have a real vacation. This way, at least you can have a few moments when the kids are entertained. If you go on a more adult…
OMG, a few months ago i sat down with my 4 year old to watch this. After 30 minutes i had to shut it off...i never realized how hardcore it is. The first half of the movie is all about her TRYING TO KILL PUPPIES. I had to make some story about what they were doing and after 30 minutes told him it was over. Some of…
but does a 6 year old need to know the real Pocohantos story? can’t she just enjoy the songs? I suppose on some level they are internalizing the message but maybe thats a conversation for when she is a bit older. I am struggling with two boys and helping them realize that not all girls like pink and want to be a…
yes! or...i made it exactly as listed but added 15 non listed ingredients essentially made a different dish.
yeah, just pack it. after a few hours you might really want to freshen up a bit. just try not to stress about it-there are so many other things to worry about.
i didn’t even wear make up the last few months of pregnancy and it didn’t even cross my mind to wear make up for delivery. I guess if you have lots of drugs and a short labor it might be alright but i personally like the first pics to be real. I look exhausted and pale and sweaty and absolutely in love. :)
I had friends like that too. I was like...are you fucking kidding me? giving birth is such a horrible, bloody mess who cares if you have hair or not. After a few hours of pain and multiple people looking at your vulva and sticking things inside you-a little untrimmed hair is not going to be on your mind. Plus, i was…