for me the biggest change is that she doesnt seem to enjoy it anymore. and maybe she needed some more time to grieve after her divorce. i think she should just go away and rest and re-charge and see if performing is something she still wants to do.
for me the biggest change is that she doesnt seem to enjoy it anymore. and maybe she needed some more time to grieve after her divorce. i think she should just go away and rest and re-charge and see if performing is something she still wants to do.
Madonna does like 5000 dress rehearsals so this shit doesnt happen.
but thats reversible...big difference. I am surprised they even did it so early.
too risky...dont do it. much better to troll and just pretend to be pregnant. Who knows what these fuckers will do.
24 hour on call masseuse.
there are so many fucking things wrong with America at the moment. But all republicans want to do is fuck over poor people and ban abortions. Jesus Christ. Enough! Neither of those things are going to fix the broken country. Its like..the plane is going down in a fiery ball and they want to make sure no one gets an…
4 year olds can be hard too because they are much harder to constrain. mine hates to be buckled in and doesnt give a shit if its for his safety. one time, my husband had to literally restrain his hands during take off because he wouldnt stop unbuckling once he figured out how it worked. Which, of course means he…
thats the worst. Used to be you could get up and move around, hang out by the toilets or chat with a friendly flight attendant. But now everywhere is a pretty much a no go zone. our 2 year old was freaking out one time and my husband took him back to the toilet area to try and calm him down and just get him away from…
i agree. i live interntationally and fly a few times a year with my kid and i cannot believe no flight attendant has every told you not to do this.
i kept thinking she was ashley olson
okay, i went much farther into that video than advised. but why is Kris even in the tv story of OJ? I mean, i know they were all friends but does her involvement really need a character?
and smoking in hospitals
does it? i think taking someones child away is a pretty fucking serious thing to do and should only be done in real endangerment cases. she didnt want full custody before but now she does? so Tyga was a saint before he met kylie? i dont think so. the girls have a very public feud and this seems to be revenge to me.
telling people you are a witch in medieval times may not be the best plan
yes. My 4 year old occassionaly has serious melt downs(not autism, just normal preschool BS) and he is so strong and aggressive that i almost cannot handle him anymore. He will kick me with all his strength when he is in the midst of the tantrum. A 15 year old...its unfortunate but it could be very very disruptive.
you know sometimes, the FA’s can be real assholes. And there is ALWAYS a disconnect between airline policies, what the gate crew says and what the FA’s will do. I have to fly with injections that MUST be kept pretty cold. Like the hospital even checks that i have an approved cooler with me when i get them from the…
but there is also another option for people who don’t want to get naked.
i live in europe and in my experience many kids, regardless of culture, have picky phases. broken crackers=not edible. Fruit they love one day they hate the next. Maybe american parents are most tolerant long term with the behavior but it definitely happens here too.
mine is up most of the night crying because he is hungry. He normally just gets some milk then..but it only fills him up for an hour and then we start again. its no fun.
yeah, our 4 year old is pretty picky. He started out really good and then somewhere along the line decided he only liked a handful of things. We do make him take a bite of everything on his plate and i try not to cater too much to him-but he can go quite a long time without a solid meal. and if he doesnt eat dinner,…