
I buy this. I even read once that woman from traditional cultures have an easier time giving birth because squatting(i hate this word for some reason) is a more natural birthing position than lying in bed and they strengthen those muscles every day. So, at a about 8 months pregnant, i decided to try to and strengthen

not sure why you think popping pills is so superior to having a drink.

I think this is the airlines fault. They KNOW that everyone is trying to avoid paying extra baggage/weight fees. They can SEE which carry on bags you are taking. I have never, not once, see anyone be asked to use those reference basket thingys that tell you how big your carry on can be. And I fly probably 3-4 times a

A guy at work who sits behind me does this all the time. He is a grumpy gus so I never dare to say anything. I just sit there silently and seethe until he is done.

Glad it turned out okay. This story could have had a much worse ending. Side note-when I was 9 months pregnant it took me ten minutes to get off the couch-no bad guy chasing for me!

Good for him-I hope he is very happy there. Might make selling the house a bit tricky though.

sometimes i don't even care if someone is watching and wear my good lounge pants to the store. In fact, i even started consciously buying lounge pants without prints so they can sometimes double as real pants. Shh.....

I like it but its annoying because she is wearing it.

Or a plus size The Limited.

such a great idea! why has no one done this? Just basic, good clothing but offered in larger sizes and made to fit larger sizes.

I will give them sweatpants. But whats the problem with headbands?

Me too! Long ago I stopped buying ¨pretty bras since its the first thing to go and no one ever sees it anyway. I am on a life long quest to find the most comfortable bra known to woman that cannot be seen through clothes. But the second i get home, my pants, shoes and bra comes off immediately.

i feel like i wrote this comment. Are you me? My friends and I were huge frickin geeks-band, chorus, drama, debate, forensics-you name it. We had the run of the school-if any teacher asked us what we were doing-we just said practicing for X and the teacher went on their merry way. I spent so much of high school

Its strange that so many people feel this way about Brit Brit. Me too, actually. But she is one of the few people just feel sorry for and honestly want her to be happy.

I never understood these parents either but now that I AM a parent-its like watching an alien life form. I 100 percent cannot understand where they are coming from or have any empathy with them. Losing my son is my #1 greatest fear-you don't know fear until you become a parent. So people who do that on purpose for

Thanks for this. I didn't get it. I thought my computer needed a plug in or something and thats why i couldnt see some of the gifs.

indeed. High School just seems like the whole entire fucking world at the time. The amount of times I cried myself to sleep over nothing, NOTHING makes me angry that I wasted so much time.

My family all hunts, and they had to wait to be 15 to take a hunters safety course and only then were they allowed out with the rest of the adults. I don't like hunting but my family doesn't listen to me. But they do understand guns aren't toys and they weren't using uzi's for christ's sake. No nine year old needs to

Poor girl, right? She has to live the rest of her life with the knowledge that she fucking killed someone. For no reason. She is old enough to know what that means but not mature enough to even start processing it for awhile. I fucking hate this story and I hate her parents and i would hate the stupid instructor but

reading erotica is not a big deal to me...12 is okay(though at 12 I wouldn't have understood too much about what I was reading) but the personal photos and e-mail account is too much. That stuff gets out of hand far too quickly and 12 years can't see the dangers in it. Honestly, navigating these waters is going to be