
its not really a law that there is little leg space-its how the airlines make money. Thats why economy plus sprung up-they made the rest of the plane so fricking uncomfortable to try and goad you into paying even more for your ticket just to be treated like a human being. If they give everyone more leg room the prices

depends on the age of the child. We have a 2 year old and it can be very very hard to get them not touch the seat in front of them. On our last international flight, the seat in front of him was empty and that such a huge relief to both of us. We always apologized to the people ahead of us(we get that flying in the

That is a serious dick move. I don't even understand why she would need to recline the backs at all. She was laying across the seats, right?

I know, right? I would have an issue based solely on that note alone. If you are douche enough to buy one of these things, be douche enough to tell me in person. On domestic flights...whatever, deal with it. On long haul flights though-fuck off my seat is coming back. We've been upgraded a few times to the premium

I didn't see it but isn't it supposed to be seen as ironic. Like...thats the very point they were trying to make?

If thats what I thought she was doing, I would be all for it too. But I just dont get that impression. I feel like she is purposely choosing things that look ridiculous on her to make some kind of point or to play a character. She doesnt look like she is having fun with it or she saw this skirt and just HAD to wear

Did anyone else not think it strange that Blue was totally fine being on stage? Even if she is used to crowds, that is A LOT of people and a lot of noise. I was actually sort of annoyed that they brought her on stage to use her a prop(they hid her face endlessly in all pictures and then they bring her on stage at the

I loved that vine. Its such a sweet, non orchestrated moment that every parent can relate to.

is it some kind of rule that they have to post the calories? Really makes you think twice about eating that sandwich. I would, however, eat the mozarella sticks if I ever went to Mcdonalds(which is almost never). The only thing I love at MickeyD's are the hashbrowns.

I don't really understand it either. There are some clothes that fit me at target but mostly i don't even bother to check but the whole place feels like a junior department to me. But why would i boycott a store because they don't sell the exact thing i want them to sell at the exact time I request it? I don't buy

Good for him. God, its so rare to hear anything of substance out of any celebrity. But one who can speak calmly and eloquently and on point?

Oh he did? I didn't hear that. Well, at least the kid wasn't really hurt. Its a complicated, multi faceted situation with lots of wrong to go around. For the record, I am not arguing, i am just discussing-which is what this forum is supposed to be about. To hear and discuss different view points in an effort to

you too!

I am not that child's mother and I am not in her shoes(neither are you, btw). Parents make choices concerning their childs safety all the time. She decided that this was something she wanted her child to be a part of. I wouldn't say its worth the risk, but everyone has their own circumstances. To say its like a summer

I don't know. I 100 percent feel like putting your young child, at night, at these protests is irresponsible. Its basically a tinderbox at this point and if there is even a chance(pretty good one) of things getting violent from either looters, assholes wanting to inflame or the cops-i think you should keep your kids

and they needed to call the fire department to get the kid out of the toddler swing??

I agree with you, they should have named him in the beginning. But they didn't. Doing so now, in light of the current situation, is nothing but provocation. What happened was bad, the response(mostly by the cops) is bad...let's not just keep doing bad things. This is not justice. And i am not so much concerned about

But you know its not going to stop at that. Enough with the mob mentality. Nothing good is going to come of this, you know it. What the hell do you think is going to happen when this cop gets shot along with his family? Is that going to make the situation better? The whole town is going to say..oh, justice is served

I have to agree. I mean, the name had to come out sometime and there will obviously be inquires and a trial(maybe) and whatnot. Everybody is sooo tense right now and the situation is fubar that exposing this man and his family to mob violence doesn't seem like the best course of action. Its just going to give people a

Yeah, i mean I sort of understand that are people are a bit confused. The demographics are all wrong. But I do not think it warrants the page long protests that some people are posting. If you don't like this type of magazine-just toss it or recycle it. Accidentally glimpsing a lady in a semi-naked state is not going