
well, you are coming down a bit hard but it just means you are passionate and this bothers you. as it should. Perhaps its just semantics. I don't consider the discourse leveled at previous presidents rudeness. And now that i keep saying the word rudeness it feels not strong enough to convey my(our) point. But let's

well, you have your opinion and I have mine. I think the level of disrespect and rudeness to the First Family is unprecendented. And perhaps its not that people are more rude but maybe its directed differently? It feels more personal. The shit I hear coming out of members of congresses mouth these days sometimes still

I say that too. Most people do. But adults know the consequences to these things. And i saw someone post farther up that this is all our problems. Obesity is so frickin joke and for some kids-this is the only proper meal they get all day. So let's make it as healthy as possible. Have pizza friday's or ice cream on the

no, we haven't. not to this level and not so personal.

I am so sick of the disrespect thrown at the Obama's. When govenors refuse to shake the presidents hand, to calling the first lady fat on television-like them or hate them, they deserve a bit more respect than that. People need to take every single opportunity to show them that they are less than. I don't have any

Thats good.

Indeed. And how many of us have been followed home, chased out of bars, threatened, harassed or assaulted because we "led the guy on" by talking or smiling? It totally depends on the situation. Grocery store is weird. I was once walking down the street in D.C. and a guy actually walked past, turned around and came

to be honest, the memorization of multiplication tables is one of only a handlful of useful math stuff I learned in school. I use it everyday. But of course it can only be useful as supplemental-you still need to understand how it works.

I sort of understand why the violence and looting happened-desperation, anger, feeling of helplessness all bottled up. But I really really wish it hadn't. It allows the conversation to be changed from the boy who was killed to the violence after the fact.

agree, its a bit disingenious to say the vigil was peaceful when we all know that these things can turn violent in a second-especially when race is concerned. But yes, perhaps they didn't need to be right next to mourners and shown a little more sensitivity and understanding of the situation.

But they can't do that because there aren't any websites or anywhere else to go. Thats why these places exist. I think a lot of people know they are horrible but its the end of the line.

I agree. I've done it before, in college. Of course they had two locations practically on campus. And that was only because i couldn't afford the gas in my car to take me across town to the pawn shop. THey are bad, they are predatory but they already are, very often, the choice of last resort for a lot of people. Its

they should be compassionate with laziness? empathize with the fact that you don't want to be inconvenienced AT ALL even though you are dining alone with three young kids?

me too. and it was nasty. I basically wanted to shower/bathe both of us after that experience. And this was even a pretty kid friendly place(beach tent). But it never once entered my mind to do that right in front of the other diners. Who takes 3 youngs kids to a restaurant alone and expects not be to be

To be honest, while having just a slightly larger size works for some pieces of clothing and up to a certain size-that won't always work. And while I am at the top of straight size and bottom of plus size-sometimes the stuff is specifically made to be bigger just fits nicer. Designing something at a size two and then

I had to wear the ugliest, most horrible old lady dress to my first homecoming danace when i was 15. If fat kids think they have it tough now, try 20 years ago. Plus sized juniors didn't exist at all and plus size womens was insane. We couldn't even take pictures at my house because i was crying so hard about how ugly

I love this gif

yeah, I don't get that. In Holland, every time you pay with a credit card-you get charged a service fee. Every time. And many places don't take credit cards at all. Its different here, I get that, but pass this tiny fee onto the consumers not the servers. You won't lose business, gimme a break. Especially if everyone

Oh that's nice. I live in Holland and the "norm" here is that parents reduce their work week to 4 days. Its still mostly moms, but a few dads too. Sometimes I think about staying at home but I don't think I would be very good at it and he gets a lot of education and socialization through daycare. Which, of course, you

The French really do know a thing or two about living.