
That's true. But as a current mom of a 3 year old, the huge heels to drop your 4 year old off at kindergarten is a bit silly. Those are not chasing toddler shoes. And while of course stay at home moms do exist-aren't they really in the minority at this point? Quite honestly, I do not have a single mom friend who

I hope you weren't with your friends. Otherwise, if you are with friends and a guy yells and spits on you and they do nothing? Time for new friends. I was really lucky that i always had a great group of gf's around and we watched eachother like hawks.

I love the times where you ask readers to give suggestions, recomendations etc. Like..what beauty product would/wouldn't exist, what to buy for fathers day and so forth. I also second the theme about a little less gossipy type stuff. I like to read about celebrities, i like hair and make up bits but not all the time.

Sometimes I wonder if all the parents now are just taking the easy way out. I never knew this before I had a child, but giving your child freedom to get hurt, feel sad, be disappointed is one of the hardest things about parenting(at least for me). My guy is 3 so he isn't walking to parks alone yet-though he definitely

But that becomes such a part of the problem. Parents give up their entire lives for the kids. Everything revolves around their kids schedules and the kids are in so many different activities. My SIL would go once every 2 weeks to my 15 year old nephews high school to clean out his locker for him. It was so messy he

I tried oil pulling for like 3 days. It is frickin gross and you are supposed to do it for a very long time in order to get the benefits. You can't just swish quick and move on. I don't doubt that it has some minor benefits but they would have to be much much bigger in order for me to deal with gagging first thing

My Mom too! She would make tons of spray bottles for us to bring for 4th of july or anytime we were outside because it worked so well for mosquitos. But, it didn't. So we would all sneak the OFF when she wasn't looking.

oooo, maybe i should try that. I don't use it as a moisterizer too much because it takes awhile to soak in and i don't like feeling greasy. I use some other stuff on my upper arms that works well enough if i keep doing it every day but i never thought aboust the coconut oil-will give it a go!

I love coconut oil and use it in a lot of things-but never on my face. There are tons of other, fun ways to use it so don't toss it. Mix it with brown sugar and some essential oil for a body scrub or use it for shaving. I put a little in my sons bathwater too so its not so drying for him.

well, i didn't know it. I know a little about FGM but I certainly was not aware that it was soooo high in Egypt. So for me, it was a reveal. And even if you knew it-who cares? He is bringing more mainstream attention to the issue which can only be a good thing.

I don't know, from where I sit this isn't at all unusual. My son just turned 3 and I know many many moms with kids the same age. All of the girls are pretty much done(at least during the day) and all of the boys are still struggling or not into it at all. All advice says you can't rush it or force it. So we bring it

well, I wouldn't vote to take away my husbands choice of how he spends his time just as he doesn't like it when my choices are taken away. It is possible to bond without taking months off of work. I understand what you are saying but you can't force bonding. And it doesn't seem wise to force someone to stay at home

I honestly don't understand this logic. Why should an employer get to dictate HOW I or my husband spend my time. If someone doesn't want to take leave why would you force them? The option for both should be there-definitely and I don't know any men who don't want to spend 2-4 weeks with a new baby. But i know plenty

Why would you require men to do that? Women aren't required to take maternity leave-its their choice(if they are lucky to have that choice). Trying to make things better for women by making things worse for men doesn't seem right. Women scream when their choices are taken from them-why would we do that to men?

I sort of get that. As a new mom myself-guess what, i AM unreliable to my employer because my priority is my son-hands down. I was off for months on maternity leave, I take more sick days now(for me and my son) and I have to leave on time, every day to pick him up. My husband works more hours than me and makes (a lot)

Yes, sometimes i put some clear chapstick on too, but i think thats just because i am used to the feel of something on my lips, not necessarily because its drying. For me anyway(everyone is different) this is the least drying/longest lasting lipcolor out there-regardless of price. I sometimes use Stilla too-they are

mine too! eons later my darling old aunt still gives me bath and body sets-even though i haven't used it in soooo long and have kind of moved on from the cheap yet very strong smelling lotion/body wash etc.

not really related to your comment but made me think of something. I once got fitted at Victorias Secret-i am a size 14/16-so on the high end of what they carry. She measures me, tells me I am size X....just so happens to be the largest size they carry. I try some on, still not comfy, not my thing..she sells me the

without side effects

I am addicted to Revlon colorburst. Honey Douce(or something) is a perfect rosy shade of pink for pink. Very smooth and hydrating and leaves behind a stain that easily lasts several hours while eating and drinking. I have tried so many other high end variants but this one works ridiculously well and the price is nuts.